
U-99 April 1942 Patrol - "Silent Otto" strikes again

YouTube Link <img src= The clang of the heavy steel hatch echoed through the cramped confines of U-99 as she slipped her moorings in Lorient.  April 1941, the North Atlantic beckoned, a vast, grey expanse promising both peril and glory for Kapitänleutnant Otto Kretschmer and his seasoned crew.  "Silent Otto," they called him, a reputation built on stealth and a deadly intuition for the hunt. The initial transit was uneventful, the diesel engines churning a steady rhythm beneath the waves.  Then, a break in the endless horizon – smoke! A large convoy, fat with merchant vessels, lumbered into view, guarded by a screen of watchful destroyers.  Kretschmer, his eyes glinting with predatory excitement, ordered a long-range attack.  Two torpedoes streaked through the water, but luck was not with them this time. Both missed their targets, exploding harmlessly in the churning wake. Undeterred, Kretschmer closed the range, maneuvering U-99 into a better attack position.  The tension

U-99 Feb '41 Patrol Part 2

Youtube Video The U-99's reign of terror in the Bay of Biscay continued unabated throughout February 1941. On the 18th, they encountered a small convoy consisting of two merchant vessels and a larger one. With deadly precision, Kretschmer's crew dispatched a torpedo, sinking the large merchant and leaving the smaller ones unscathed. The element of surprise allowed them to vanish into the depths before any effective countermeasures could be mounted. Their luck held on the 19th when they stumbled upon a larger, more heavily escorted convoy. Despite the increased risk, they managed to sink another large merchant vessel before the escorts, now fully alert, gave chase. U-99's crew expertly evaded the relentless pursuit, showcasing their superior tactics and skill. The night of the 22nd brought an unexpected gift - a lone, unescorted merchant ship. Seizing this golden opportunity, they surfaced and engaged the vessel with their deck gun, quickly sending it to the bottom of the se

U-99 Feb '41 Patrol Part 1

U-99 Patrol Feb '41 Part 1 The February chill hung heavy over the Bay of Biscay. Aboard U-99, the monotony of the patrol weighed on the crew. Days turned into weeks with no sign of Allied shipping. Morale dipped, the endless expanse of ocean a stark reminder of their isolation. Halfway through the month, a glimmer of hope. A faint radio transmission hinted at a nearby convoy. Excitement crackled through the U-boat, but a sudden storm whipped up, obscuring their target. The convoy vanished into the squall, leaving the crew with a bitter taste of disappointment. The following night, fortune smiled. The storm abated, revealing the convoy, its lights twinkling in the distance. Kretschmer, his instincts honed by countless patrols, maneuvered U-99 into striking position. "Torpedos los!" Two torpedoes streaked through the water. One veered off course, but the second found its mark, a thunderous explosion echoing through the night. A large merchantman, caught in the blast, listed

U-99 December 1940 Patrol - Solo Minden Games U-Boat Captain

 I'm back. I am going to use this for posting narrative accounts of solo game play throughs on my YouTube channel. Here is the start of my solo U-Boat campaign using Minden games U-Boat Captain Advanced. U-99 Dec '40 Patrol Part 1 U-99 Dec '40 Patrol Part 1 The icy December wind howled across the North Atlantic, a stark contrast to the warmth within U-99's cramped control room. Kapitänleutnant Otto Kretschmer, eyes glued to the periscope, exhaled a plume of fog. A solitary merchant vessel, small but precious, chugged through the moonless night, oblivious to the predator lurking beneath the waves. "Auf Gefechtsstation!" Kretschmer's command crackled through the intercom, electrifying the crew. The U-boat surged to the surface, its sleek silhouette a dark apparition in the night. "Klar zum Gefecht mit der Kanone!" The 88mm deck gun, its barrel gleaming under the dim lights, swung towards the unsuspecting target. The merchantman, close enough to see

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep12 - First Contact Resolved

Note: Sorry for the long pause - finally got around to writing up the narrative for the last session on my YouTube channel. Still reviewing some Solo resources just released and determining how to integrate them. Then I will get back to the campaign. Bob reported that the compartment appeared to be filling quickly with an atmosphere. Carol said, "keep breathing apparatus on - let's get an analysis of the atmosphere." As the Aliens got closer, Bob reported the atmosphere had stabilized and did have Oxygen, but also other exotic elements that would prevent safely breathing it. Since the Aliens appeared to have no breathing gear Carol thought this was probably their native atmosphere. As the Aliens got closer, both appeared to have a small arm attached to a utility belt - but neither was making motions to draw their weapons. Once they were within 5 ft they stopped and produced a box-like device and then started talking. The device repeated their

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep12 - First Contact!

Image Bob and Mary started scanning and recording all the specimens. Carol focused on the numerous devices that appeared to be connected to many of the 'habitats.' It seemed they were providing power and possibly life support functions to the individual enclosures. Also, the space appeared to be filling with some sort of atmosphere although exact readings were ambiguous. Bob started using his neural scanner on some of the specimens. "They appear to be in some sort of stasis Captain," he reported. "Continue scanning and recording, also make sure you are sending your readings back to Sonny and the ship's computer." Bob replied, "aye, Skipper" and he and Mary began slowly moving along the edge of the space continuing their scanning. I wonder if this 'cube' is manned and has a crew Carol thought… Bob gave a gasp and then shifted his neural scanner to the opposite end of the space they were in. "Captain I am getti

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep11 - Into 'The Cube'

Image The Intrepid was holding position a few meters from the opening on the cube. Bob moved the drone further away from the cube to be able to monitor the entire Cube. So far there was no reaction from the cube after the initial widening of the access port with the approach of the Intrepid. Bob reported "still no changes in the Cube after our stop. Based on the size of the portal we could either enter via EVA or attach a docking tunnel." The Cube so far had exhibited no offensive or even defensive reaction to the approach of the drone or the ship Carol thought. Actually, it had done just the opposite and provided access to the interior. She made her decision. "We will be entering the Cube via EVA Suits. Sonny, you will stay behind and keep an eye on the ship and Cube while we stay in constant comms. Any comments or questions?" "Should we be armed?", Bob asked. "Yes, side arms not rifles. Also full load of survey equipment. And

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep10 - Approaching 'The Cube'...

YouTube Link: Carol woke up with the 0600 GST Ship Announcement. I didn't expect to get a full rest period, but apparently the Cube respected our rest shift, she thought dryly. She opened comms to the bridge and said "Sitrep?" Sonny replied succinctly, "No change in artifact or ship status, all systems nominal." "Very well, on my way," she replied. She was first on the Bridge, quickly followed by Bob and Mary. "The Cube has continued its course and speed unchanged  since our entry into orbit earlier. Even though it appears unchanged, I believe it is aware of our presence based on minor fluctuations in the gravimetric waves from it", Sonny added to his earlier report. "Did the changes seem hostile?," the Captain asked. "No, more akin to a low power scan at most," he replied. "All right, then it is decision time for us. I see 3 basic options, proceed with the dirtside survey,

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep9 - Planet Survey/The Mystery continues...

Finally back to our intrepid crew of the IISS Intrepid... On YouTube: Carol maneuvered the Intrepid into orbit while maintaining distance from the "Cube." "Any reaction from the artifact," she asked. "The artifact's speed and course are unchanged," Bob replied. "All right, Bob and Carol commence the planetary survey. Sonny and I will keep an eye on the artifact. Be prepared for an emergency deorbit." Hopefully, the survey will give additional information on the purpose of the artifact, Carol thought. The survey from orbit took approximately 6 hours, finishing at 2000 hours. Carol wanted it finished as soon as possible, so they continued into the designated rest time. The crew understood the urgency. Unfortunately, nothing from the survey revealed any information about the artifact. Bob projected his results on the display and gave a detailed review of the results. In the end, he summarized, "Br

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep8 - Strange New World... and Object.

"Refueling complete, all tanks full, all refueling equipment secured" Sonny reported. "Very well, proceeding to the High Guard position, prepare to retrieve the drone," Carol said. After the ship was close to the Drone Bob said "retrieval initiated." After a few minutes, he added, "retrieval complete, all systems secured for transit." Carol answered, " Very well, course confirmed for Kotori Prime, breaking orbit." The first few days of the transit were uneventful. The crew finished their equipment checks in preparation for the upcoming Planetary survey. In their remaining time, they continued work on the backlog items (inoperable drone, wrong software version) while also manning the sensors in shifts. Carol even carved out a few hours one night for the crew to enjoy a recent holo-movie together. The crew seems to be slowly coming together she thought, even Sonny seemed to be more like his old self again. One day out from Kotori Prime, t

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep7 - Watch the bouncing Intrepid

After the planning meeting, Carol set a course for the nearest Gas Giant to Kotori Prime at 2G. Bob and Mary went to work on the inoperable drones while Sonny started system checks in preparation for refueling at the Gas Giant. They worked for a few hours then Carol told them all to get some rest - she would cover the first shift monitoring the sensors. The following shifts were uneventful - no contacts, either ship or stellar objects. Also, no transmissions were detected from nearby or the system. Towards the end of the next day, Carol received 2 reports… First Bob and Mary reported on the drones. They were able to fix 2 of the drones by cannibalizing parts from 3 drones which were now permanently inoperable. So now there were a total of 3 operable drones - although she was still suspicious of the 2 repaired ones. "We'll test out one of the repaired drones as high guard during our refueling," she said. "Understood," Bob replied and he continued, "we will r

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep6 - Initial Survey Complete/Plan planet survey

YouTube Link: During the week in transiting jump space, Carol kept the crew busy checking everything - ship systems, survey systems, survey gear, and planning. No one complained based on the mishaps that had already occurred. And as she expected, there was a problem. Mary was reviewing the survey drones with Bob's assistance. During the checks, they found a problem with 9 out of the 10 survey drones that were onboard. Mary explained, "While we were at the base, maintenance came aboard and said they had some upgrades for the drones, both software, and chips. They were able to get through 9 of the drones but kept getting pulled off the work by other base priorities. Also, I got the impression the 2 techs were rather junior based on some questions I asked them. In their hurry, they did the upgrades first and then were going to circle back and test them after they were all done. They never got that far. Bob and I are troubleshooting and hope to have a

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep5 - Departure for first system survey

Youtube Link: Carol was relieved that they were finally leaving for their first survey. The dry run survey of the system planet had unearthed a number of problems with equipment which revealed that the Scout Base's support crew were either incompetent and/or purposely lazy. That’s why she insisted on and ensured the ship and equipment were given a thorough check before leaving on this survey. Luckily a Jump Drive miscalibration was identified and resolved - it probably would not have prevented operations but it was better to address it before departure. And it gave them 3 days to review the rest of the ship and equipment. She still expected more problems during the mission but hopefully, the major issues had been resolved. Bob the Astrogator was covering comms, while Sonny kept an eye on the engines. Mary was busy doing prep for the upcoming survey. Bob called out "We have clearance for departure from base control." Carol was ready to get awa

Traveller Solo Scout Campaign Ep 1-4 - Not off to a good start...

CAPT Burnett arrives at the Scout Base before her crew to assume her command of the Intrepid and review the status of the ship. To Carol's surprise, the base commander is a relative from her home world who was on the other side of the controversy - so not a friend. CDR Carlin gives her an icy/strictly professional reception and she knows she will get no support from him. - Was this a coincidence or setup by others? Sonny arrives first and also gives her an icy response - and seems more withdrawn than usual. She had been told he was open to the assignment and had been told she was the Captain - now she wonders. - Was this a coincidence or setup by others? The rest of the crew arrives - Bob the Astrogator who was new to Carol, and Mary the Researcher who she had worked with some during the mission contacting the new alien species. Bob seemed solid and Mary was excited to be working w/Carol again. Before actually departing the basic spaceport, a Free Trader ship was seized and the

Traveller Solo Scout Campaign: Meet the Crew - Engineer Bono

Image Engineer Bono was born on a water world. His family owned a small fishing company and Sonny spent most of his time on the company's watercraft. He enjoyed being out on the planet's seas spending most of his free time on his own - exploring new locations and tinkering with the equipment on the boats. Since he was not the first born in a large family he was not in line to own the company. After completing his education, he decided to venture into the unknown and join the Imperial Scout Service. During his first tour, his ship experienced a mishap due to a crew member of noble birth who failed in an assigned engineering task which caused a jump drive failure. The crew member attempted to pass the blame on Sonny, but ultimately failed and was drummed out of the service. This further reinforced Sonny's desire to avoid the pitfalls of Imperial society. In spite of this event, his performance was exemplary a

Traveller Solo Scout Campaign: Meet the Crew - Captain Burnett

Image Captain Burnett was born and raised on an agricultural planet. Her family was one of the original settlers and large land owners. She was raised working and running the farm and was in line to inherit the family lands and company.  As the planet prospered it came to the attention of a number of large interplanetary agricultural corporations. They began working with the planetary government and buying the smaller family farmlands. Eventually, the majority of the planet farming was owned by the corporations and in league with the government they started pressuring the remaining largest farm families to sell out to them. One by one they fell, until only a handful of the most prominent remained - including Captain Burnett's family. Her parents were determined to resist... until they were in an air car accident. The corporations in league with the government leveraged the press to ruin her and her family's repu

MDG MacArthur's War - KPA Surprise Attack - x3

 Learning the rules - so had to do the initial KPA attack 3 times to get it right. Version 1 - traditional move/combat: Version 2 - include overruns: Version 3 - overruns and contested ZOCs:

MDG MacArthur's War - Rules Overview

 This is the start of a series on Microgame Design Group's MacArthur's War: "a simulation of the Korean War, simulating the historical campaign as well as allowing for what could have happened if MacArthur had been given the go-ahead to launch attacks against Communist China." This video provides an introduction to the game as well as an overview of the rules.

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras 5 PM French/Coalition Phases

Ney tries to push the Coalition back on the right flank in order to get a buffer between the lines and Quatre Bras. The French also try to push the Coalition forces out of the woods on the left flank to remove the threat to their lines of communication. The Coalition then attempts to surround and attack the French 6th Division on the edge of the woods outside Quatre Bras. If successful this would decimate the French and put the Coalition in a strong position to retake Quatre Bras. Unfortunately for Wellington, the attack is repulsed...

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras 4 PM French/Coalition Phases

Ney decides to go ahead with a full assault on Quatre Bras with the bulk of his forces - except a horse artillery unit that moves into the woods to occupy the flanking British Infantry. WIll Ney succeed or should he have moved around the flanks instead? Success! And Wellington retreats to the north. While Wellington was unceremoniously booted out of Quatre Bras, he has a constant stream of reinforcements coming the rest of the day and Ney does not. So he maintains his goal is to stay close and as more forces enter start looking for opportunities to flank the French and counter-attack when possible. Ney seems to be on the defensive now?