Traveller Scout Campaign Ep9 - Planet Survey/The Mystery continues...

Finally back to our intrepid crew of the IISS Intrepid...

On YouTube:

Carol maneuvered the Intrepid into orbit while maintaining distance from the "Cube." "Any reaction from the artifact," she asked. "The artifact's speed and course are unchanged," Bob replied. "All right, Bob and Carol commence the planetary survey. Sonny and I will keep an eye on the artifact. Be prepared for an emergency deorbit." Hopefully, the survey will give additional information on the purpose of the artifact, Carol thought.

The survey from orbit took approximately 6 hours, finishing at 2000 hours. Carol wanted it finished as soon as possible, so they continued into the designated rest time. The crew understood the urgency. Unfortunately, nothing from the survey revealed any information about the artifact. Bob projected his results on the display and gave a detailed review of the results. In the end, he summarized, "Breathable atmosphere but thin, half normal gravity with abundant water and life. The temperatures are on the hot side, and the weather changes rapidly because of the 47-day rotation. We also found numerous resources - agricultural, ores, crystals, and compounds. Definitely a planet worth surveying for resources and potential colonization. Except for…" he trailed off. Carol nodded her head and said, "Yes, except for that cube." The name stuck after that.

"What about the collection of asteroids that initially we thought was a moon", Carol asked. "We still haven't determined if the asteroids were always present, or perhaps a moon that experienced a catastrophic event," Bob replied. "Natural event or artificial," Carol asked. "That's what we will try to figure out," Bob replied. 

"Good job everyone. Let's maintain the rotation on the sensors, especially on the Cube. If it changes course, speed, or in any other way notify everyone immediately. Also, be ready to emergency break orbit. Everyone else get some rest and we will see where we are at after a rest shift."

As Carol went to her stateroom to try to catch a few hours of sleep she was mulling over her options. They could land and begin a detailed dirtside survey - but with the Cube in orbit over them and its purpose unknown that didn't seem wise. They could approach the Cube directly and attempt to ascertain its purpose, but given the unknowns that path had its problems. Or she could jump back to the base and make a report seeking further guidance and/or assistance. Considering her and the ship's experience with the base commander and personnel that didn't seem a great choice either. She decided to sleep on it and wrestle with it afterward. Unless of course the Cube took matters into its own hands and forced her decision…


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