Traveller Scout Campaign Ep8 - Strange New World... and Object.

"Refueling complete, all tanks full, all refueling equipment secured" Sonny reported. "Very well, proceeding to the High Guard position, prepare to retrieve the drone," Carol said. After the ship was close to the Drone Bob said "retrieval initiated." After a few minutes, he added, "retrieval complete, all systems secured for transit." Carol answered, " Very well, course confirmed for Kotori Prime, breaking orbit."

The first few days of the transit were uneventful. The crew finished their equipment checks in preparation for the upcoming Planetary survey. In their remaining time, they continued work on the backlog items (inoperable drone, wrong software version) while also manning the sensors in shifts. Carol even carved out a few hours one night for the crew to enjoy a recent holo-movie together. The crew seems to be slowly coming together she thought, even Sonny seemed to be more like his old self again.

One day out from Kotori Prime, things started getting interesting. Bob reported "Skipper, I am detecting a gravimetric source that appears to be separate from the planet and in orbit. Before now it was masked by the planet but now it is definitely distinct and separate." Carol asked, "what do our other sensors report?" Bob replied, "nothing beyond the gravimetric readings, visually it does appear to be generating light, but beyond that all other sensors report nothing." "Continue scanning, I will plot our entry into orbit to be as far from the object as possible while keeping it in view of our sensors."

As the Intrepid entered orbit the visuals of the object became more distinct. Bob reported, "It appears to be cube-shaped but also seems to be transforming its shape at times while staying general cube-shaped. The entire surface appears to be metallic and illuminated. Beyond the gravimetric readings, it does not appear to be emitting anything else, that we can detect." Carol replied, "Let's get more detailed gravimetric strength readings before we try to get closer."

"Also let's do a quick scan of the planet and see if it can provide any information about the object." Mary reported after a few minutes, "Done with the initial visual scan. The planet appears as expected, over half water and the land is crisscrossed with rivers, as well as extensive wetlands. No settlements of intelligent life detected at this point, although life is present over most of the land masses. There also appears to be very large and tall treelike plants, some even breaking the cloud layer." Carol replied, "Thanks Mary, but sounds like no information helping us understand the object." Mary nodded in agreement before turning back to her sensors.

"Commence detailed Planetary survey but maintain the sensor shifts, now focused on the object. I want to know the second it does anything beyond its present orbit." "Aye Skipper," was the reply. With this 'alien' object in orbit, Mary thought, I don't feel very comfortable landing on the planet. Especially if it remains a mystery…


  1. go to 8:12

    I am posting this here because YOU are the only person I am aware of actually showing how the sausage is made... and I am quite enjoying it.

    FWIW I would be willing to help with a deep dive into Pocket Empires, which as the reviewer shows, is an extension of World Builders

    1. Me again. Just finished reading Pocket Empires... WOW... this is a unique game within a game. The gubbings of running an empire, pocket or otherwise, from a grand strategic perspective. I have never seen anything quite like it and it looks amazing.

      Intergrates with T4 First Survey, Mileu 0 & of course T4 Core Rules. Off to reading First Survey


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