Traveller Solo Scout Campaign: Meet the Crew - Captain Burnett

Captain Burnett was born and raised on an agricultural planet. Her family was one of the original settlers and large land owners. She was raised working and running the farm and was in line to inherit the family lands and company. 

As the planet prospered it came to the attention of a number of large interplanetary agricultural corporations. They began working with the planetary government and buying the smaller family farmlands. Eventually, the majority of the planet farming was owned by the corporations and in league with the government they started pressuring the remaining largest farm families to sell out to them. One by one they fell, until only a handful of the most prominent remained - including Captain Burnett's family. Her parents were determined to resist... until they were in an air car accident.

The corporations in league with the government leveraged the press to ruin her and her family's reputations and then through legal loopholes and bribery 'purchased' her family's land. While this left her well off, she and her family were now hated by most of the planet. She left the planet for the Scout service.

During her training and first tour, she spent almost all the time out in the field exploring. She found a number of good friends in the service who helped her through her anger and sadness with her home planet.

During her next tour, she was on a larger Scout ship and involved in first contact with an alien species. She continued to increase in her skills and knowledge, ending the tour with a promotion. She also befriended and ultimately married an Engineer, Sonny, at the end of the tour.

In her third tour, she was involved in a prominent rescue mission of a group of Nobles on a 'safari.' Because of her performance, she was becoming noticed in the Scout service, but also in the press. On her home planet, there was the beginning of resistance against the corporations and government and they started lifting her up as a possible example/leader.

She again became the target of the corporations and they enlisted a playboy petty noble to attempt to ruin her. He pretended to be on her side against the corporations, but without her knowledge ruined her husband financially, and destroyed his reputation while he was away. Not being experienced with fame and the attention of nobility, she was convinced to divorce her husband. 

With his task done, the noble dumped her and to make it worse gloated about wrecking her marriage and ex-husband's finances. This was all spun by the press on her home planet to again smear her reputation. At this point, she may have been destroyed but the Scout service was filled with individuals escaping from the evils of Imperium Society, and ultimately this had no effect on her Scout career. She was still promoted to Senior Scout based on her continuing exemplary performance.

While she was able to get over the affair with the noble and the smear campaign in the press, she could not get over her guilt for what happened to her ex-husband Sonny. So when she received the current assignment as Captain of the Intrepid and her mission to map a new subsector, she tried to help Sonny by requesting him as her Engineer. Married couples on a scout ship were common, but divorcees on the same ship hardly ever happened. She pulled in a number of favors and was able to get the assignment anyway. As for what Sonny thought...

ISS Intrepid



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