Traveller Solo Scout Campaign: Meet the Crew - Engineer Bono

Engineer Bono was born on a water world. His family owned a small fishing company and Sonny spent most of his time on the company's watercraft. He enjoyed being out on the planet's seas spending most of his free time on his own - exploring new locations and tinkering with the equipment on the boats. Since he was not the first born in a large family he was not in line to own the company.

After completing his education, he decided to venture into the unknown and join the Imperial Scout Service. During his first tour, his ship experienced a mishap due to a crew member of noble birth who failed in an assigned engineering task which caused a jump drive failure. The crew member attempted to pass the blame on Sonny, but ultimately failed and was drummed out of the service. This further reinforced Sonny's desire to avoid the pitfalls of Imperial society. In spite of this event, his performance was exemplary and he was promoted to Scout.

During his second tour, he was on a ship that was involved in the delivery of important messages between a newly discovered alien species and the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. His performance continued to be exemplary and he was promoted again. It was during this tour that he met Scout Burnett who was involved in the first contact. Based on their common experiences with society and love of the Scout service they immediately grew close and ultimately married. Even though their next assignments had been set, they were hoping their following assignments would be on a small Scout as a married team.

Unfortunately during their next separate tours, Imperial Society intervened in their lives again and wrecked their marriage. The details are in Carol's entry, but at the end of this Sonny and Carol were divorced and he was both ruined in society and financially. Sonny withdrew from his family and friends and vowed never to get into a close relationship again as well as avoiding Imperial society as much as possible. Luckily the Scout Service was full of people with similar experiences with Imperial Society and this did not affect his career. He was again promoted to Senior Scout and stayed in the Engineering Specialty instead of Command.

His friends in the service were concerned about him and attempted to connect him with an assignment out on the edges of Imperial space. A new subsector needed exploring, and a newly overhauled and upgraded Scout needed a crew for the task. There was a specific request from command that he be assigned, so Sonny accepted the position. His friends strongly recommended he take the Engineer post. 

Only as his transport was on the second half of its journey to the ISS Intrepid did he find out who the Captain of the ship was…


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