U-99 Feb '41 Patrol Part 2

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The U-99's reign of terror in the Bay of Biscay continued unabated throughout February 1941. On the 18th, they encountered a small convoy consisting of two merchant vessels and a larger one. With deadly precision, Kretschmer's crew dispatched a torpedo, sinking the large merchant and leaving the smaller ones unscathed. The element of surprise allowed them to vanish into the depths before any effective countermeasures could be mounted.

Their luck held on the 19th when they stumbled upon a larger, more heavily escorted convoy. Despite the increased risk, they managed to sink another large merchant vessel before the escorts, now fully alert, gave chase. U-99's crew expertly evaded the relentless pursuit, showcasing their superior tactics and skill.

The night of the 22nd brought an unexpected gift - a lone, unescorted merchant ship. Seizing this golden opportunity, they surfaced and engaged the vessel with their deck gun, quickly sending it to the bottom of the sea.

As the patrol neared its end, U-99's fuel and torpedoes dwindled. Yet, their hunger for victory remained insatiable. On February 28th, they chanced upon a two-ship convoy. In a daring move, they fired torpedoes, sinking both merchant vessels before the escorts could react. Once again, they managed to escape the ensuing pursuit, leaving behind a trail of destruction.

On the final day of their patrol, under the cover of darkness, they encountered two more unescorted merchant ships. With just two torpedoes left, they made every shot count, sinking both vessels with ruthless efficiency.

Exhausted but triumphant, U-99 set course for Lorient, their home port. The February patrol had been a resounding success, solidifying their reputation as one of the most formidable U-boats in the Kriegsmarine. Their exploits sent shockwaves through the Allied naval command, highlighting the ever-present threat lurking beneath the waves.


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