Traveller Scout Campaign Ep12 - First Contact Resolved

Note: Sorry for the long pause - finally got around to writing up the narrative for the last session on my YouTube channel. Still reviewing some Solo resources just released and determining how to integrate them. Then I will get back to the campaign.

Bob reported that the compartment appeared to be filling quickly with an atmosphere. Carol said, "keep breathing apparatus on - let's get an analysis of the atmosphere." As the Aliens got closer, Bob reported the atmosphere had stabilized and did have Oxygen, but also other exotic elements that would prevent safely breathing it. Since the Aliens appeared to have no breathing gear Carol thought this was probably their native atmosphere.

As the Aliens got closer, both appeared to have a small arm attached to a utility belt - but neither was making motions to draw their weapons. Once they were within 5 ft they stopped and produced a box-like device and then started talking. The device repeated their words initially. Then the team's translators roughly started translating the communications. Therefore Carol started giving the standard Imperial First Contact greeting, and quicker than she expected their device appeared to be translating her words. Then soon after that, the team's translators were doing the same. Seems like there has already been some contact between this race and others speaking Galactic Standard. Perhaps traders she thought?

"This is an official Suran Empire station and we are not interested in trade." As Carol suspected, she replied, "We are official first contact representatives of the Imperium and would like to discuss establishing relations with your Empire." The taller alien replied, "This system is claimed by the Suran Empire and this is a scientific mission. We are not allowed to initiate relations with other species. Please provide us with basic information about your "Imperium" and we will transmit this to our government. We will provide you the same for our Empire. Return no earlier than 3 weeks and our government will have a response or team present for discussions. Until then we ask you to immediately leave this system. Your presence has been communicated to our nearest Naval forces."

That was one of the shortest and most abrupt first contacts in her experience, Carol thought. They had not detected any other ships in the system, but they could be hiding or grounded anywhere.  Since they were alone in their Scout ship it seemed wise to heed their demands, especially since they didn't even know if this station was armed. She replied, "we will do as you request." They handed her what appeared to be a small data storage device, and she provided the same with basic Imperium data to be released to Alien first contacts.

The Aliens turned and started walking away. After a moment the Intrepid team did the same, retracing their steps to their entry point. Bob reported the atmosphere was dissipating and then up ahead they saw their entry port opening and reforming. "Did you get it all Sonny?" she asked. "All recorded, conversations and readings from all your sensors and currently being analyzed by the computer." "Good, let's go ahead and start making preparations for departure and immediate return to base with this information. We will defer further system exploration."


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