Traveller Solo Scout Campaign Ep 1-4 - Not off to a good start...

CAPT Burnett arrives at the Scout Base before her crew to assume her command of the Intrepid and review the status of the ship.

To Carol's surprise, the base commander is a relative from her home world who was on the other side of the controversy - so not a friend. CDR Carlin gives her an icy/strictly professional reception and she knows she will get no support from him.

- Was this a coincidence or setup by others?

Sonny arrives first and also gives her an icy response - and seems more withdrawn than usual. She had been told he was open to the assignment and had been told she was the Captain - now she wonders.

- Was this a coincidence or setup by others?

The rest of the crew arrives - Bob the Astrogator who was new to Carol, and Mary the Researcher who she had worked with some during the mission contacting the new alien species. Bob seemed solid and Mary was excited to be working w/Carol again.

Before actually departing the basic spaceport, a Free Trader ship was seized and the crew was arrested by law enforcement. She did not have time to contact the Base Commander to ask what the arrest/seizure was about. Hopefully, she would find out after the in-system shakedown.

- Contraband/piracy?

 The lift-off was uneventful - no other ships were in orbit or nearby. During the transit, Sonny left a critical piece of machinery unsecured after maintenance and was almost killed but Bob was observing and saved his life.

- Does Bob tell the Captain?

- Was Sonny injured?

Approximately 5 hrs. transit to the desert planet, then another 5 hrs. scanning the surface. The crew then took a rest period until the next 'day.'

Bob scanned the first survey target of interest and surrounding terrain. Unfortunately, the closest safe landing site was 33 km away. Since this was a shakedown cruise for the ship and equipment, Carol figured this would be a good chance to put the Air Car thru its paces, as well as the survey equipment. Carol took her time and successfully landed at the site with no issues.

Road Trip next… after the above questions are resolved.


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