Traveller Scout Campaign Ep12 - First Contact!

Bob and Mary started scanning and recording all the specimens. Carol focused on the numerous devices that appeared to be connected to many of the 'habitats.' It seemed they were providing power and possibly life support functions to the individual enclosures. Also, the space appeared to be filling with some sort of atmosphere although exact readings were ambiguous.

Bob started using his neural scanner on some of the specimens. "They appear to be in some sort of stasis Captain," he reported. "Continue scanning and recording, also make sure you are sending your readings back to Sonny and the ship's computer." Bob replied, "aye, Skipper" and he and Mary began slowly moving along the edge of the space continuing their scanning. I wonder if this 'cube' is manned and has a crew Carol thought…

Bob gave a gasp and then shifted his neural scanner to the opposite end of the space they were in. "Captain I am getting active neural detections from the other side of the space. They appear to be moving towards us." Apparently, that answered her earlier question on if the 'cube' was manned. "Sonny, are you getting this?" she asked over the comms. "Yes, copying Bob's readings. Is your exit route still clear?" he replied. She began moving back towards the corridor they entered and motioned Bob and Mary to do the same.

"Let's stay on the edge of this space but keep our entry route behind us and hopefully clear." she directed. Her hand dropped to her stun pistol but did not withdraw it from the holster yet. Bob and Mary wordlessly followed suit while all of them watched the corridor on the opposite side of the compartment where the neural readings were approaching from.

After what seemed an eternity, although actually, only a few minutes, two large bipedal aliens emerged from the dark corridor on the other side of the space. As they exited the corridor and started moving around the periphery of the space towards Intrepid's crew, they came into better view. There were 2 of them and they appeared to be a few meters taller than humans. Their heads were uncovered and they appeared to have large ridges on the top and what appeared to be a large mouth under their eyes.

"Sonny, do you have a visual, and is there anything in the database on this species?" Carol asked over the comms. "Checking, standby," he replied. After a few seconds, he replied, "there is a vague reference to a species that seems to match the visual reported by a few fringe members of the Imperium but no details beyond encountering them briefly. No real interaction or trade info." So we may actually have a first contact on our hands she thought on our first system survey…


  1. I would be interested in sending you an Email thru Gmail I have some Traveller ideas I would love to discuss with someone. my Gmail is - without the spaces - kobeck @ gmail,com

  2. I've got to say, as a gearhead, I loved this solo run of Traveller. Starting out with no real plan but to explore, you end up finding a cube that results in creating a whole new alien race and mapping the systems where they may reside.

    You really should put your Vassal module up, so those of us that love 'crunchy' can enjoy subsector hex entry and retrieval.

    In lieu of that, if anyone knows of another way or site that allows data entry/retrieval on a hex grid, please holler.

    1. The VASSAL module contains charts I copied from different products I have purchased so not sure I can upload the full version. I could upload a version w/o the charts. The mod is also a work in progress so let me review its state first. Thanks for the feedback.

    2. Of course, I not interested in any clipped pdf info, just the module layout, so I can paste in my own stuff. I'm using OneNote, but it can't do the hex map stuff you are doing with Vassal. Maybe after you feel it's tweaked enough, you could put up a blank version of it. Just a thought. Thanks.


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