Traveller Scout Campaign Ep5 - Departure for first system survey

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Carol was relieved that they were finally leaving for their first survey. The dry run survey of the system planet had unearthed a number of problems with equipment which revealed that the Scout Base's support crew were either incompetent and/or purposely lazy. That’s why she insisted on and ensured the ship and equipment were given a thorough check before leaving on this survey. Luckily a Jump Drive miscalibration was identified and resolved - it probably would not have prevented operations but it was better to address it before departure. And it gave them 3 days to review the rest of the ship and equipment. She still expected more problems during the mission but hopefully, the major issues had been resolved.

Bob the Astrogator was covering comms, while Sonny kept an eye on the engines. Mary was busy doing prep for the upcoming survey. Bob called out "We have clearance for departure from base control." Carol was ready to get away from the base and the freedom of the survey and immediately began the launch sequence. "Launch in 10, 9, 8…" The Intrepid's M-Drive engines grumbled to life and started growing in noise. "Liftoff, clearing the base," Carol said. She then took the ship vertical and began the ascent to orbit. The ascent was uneventful, Sonny reported the engine performance was nominal, so far…

Once in orbit, Carol told Bob to contact the base control and get permission to proceed to the system 100 diameter limit for the jump to the first survey system. The Base gave the green light and added "Safe travels and Godspeed Intrepid." Sounded like someone who was familiar w/old Scout Service traditions was on duty Carol thought. Bob replied, "thank you control and see you in a few months."

The trip to the jump point took approximately 2 days, and part way there another ship was detected emerging from jump space nearby. Bob reported the detection and then said "Receiving IFF, it’s the ex-ISS Endurance on detached duty."

"Open comms to my station Bob," Carol said. She then cued her mic and said "Endurance this is CAPT Burnett of the IISS  Intrepid, do you copy?" After a few seconds, the comms crackled and said "Intrepid this is CAPT Astaire of the Endurance, is that you Carol?" Carol replied, "Greetings Fred, it's been a while." Endurance replied "Carol, fancy meeting you here. Yes, it's been a while. Last time I saw you it was with Sonny on Altaris. Those were great times before everything blew up." Since the comms were on speaker, Carol quickly changed the subject "So what are you doing here on the edge of known space? Last I heard you left the service?" "Well, they gave me this great ship as long as I was available for contract work. They just called me up and said they needed help with setting up the Nav Buoy system as the subsector was being mapped… by you it seems. I've also got Mike with me onboard." Carol smelled Imperial Intel behind his presence here, especially considering his and now Mike's connections to the government, intel, and even crime syndicates. Maybe their presence was related to the seizing of the trader ship and crew and heightened security in the system. "Well dropping nav buoys should be a relaxing way to make money," she said with a hint of sarcasm.

They conversed for a few more minutes, and then since their ships were going in opposite directions ended the conversation. "We should be back from our survey in 3 to 6 months and hopefully if you are still here we can catch up," Carol said. "Not sure how long the service will be keeping me here, but hopefully we do get a chance. Who knows, maybe we will be coming out to you before your survey is done." Carol said "Don't threaten me Fred," which got a chuckle out of Fred. "Safe travels and Godspeed Intrepid" Fred ended with. "Same to you Endurance, hope to see you soon. Intrepid out." Carol had not told Fred that Sonny was onboard since it was on speaker and would have complicated the conversation. But no doubt Sonny had overheard.

Upon arrival at the jump point, Carol started the ship system jump preparations. When she was done, Carol formally  asked Bob "Astrogator, are jump calculations complete and entered in the computer?" Bob replied "Affirmative Captain." Then she said, "Engineer, are the Jump Engines powered up and ready, and is the entry point calculated and laid in." Sonny replied "Affirmative", while watching the drive indicators. Then she announced, "Crew ready for jump?" "Astrogator ready" Bob said. "Engineer ready" Sonny said. "Scout ready" Mary said. "Initiating jump in 5,4,3…" Carol said. And off we go she thought as she actuated the jump drive…


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