Traveller Scout Campaign Ep10 - Approaching 'The Cube'...

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Carol woke up with the 0600 GST Ship Announcement. I didn't expect to get a full rest period, but apparently the Cube respected our rest shift, she thought dryly. She opened comms to the bridge and said "Sitrep?" Sonny replied succinctly, "No change in artifact or ship status, all systems nominal." "Very well, on my way," she replied.

She was first on the Bridge, quickly followed by Bob and Mary. "The Cube has continued its course and speed unchanged  since our entry into orbit earlier. Even though it appears unchanged, I believe it is aware of our presence based on minor fluctuations in the gravimetric waves from it", Sonny added to his earlier report. "Did the changes seem hostile?," the Captain asked. "No, more akin to a low power scan at most," he replied.

"All right, then it is decision time for us. I see 3 basic options, proceed with the dirtside survey, approach the Cube, or return to base and report requesting guidance/assistance. Opinions or recommendations people?" After a few minutes of listening to the crew, the discussion ended with them coming to the same conclusion she had earlier last night. "Thank you for your inputs, I agree with your conclusions. We can't land on the planet and give the Cube the high ground while its purposes are unknown. Also, we can't return to base with the Cube's purpose unknown either - it will be impossible to make an informed decision, and besides, we are Scouts and this is what we are paid to do," she said. There were nods of agreement from the rest of the crew.

She then gave her orders, "We will initially use one of the drones to approach the cube and gauge its reactions as well as try to get more sensor readings. But first, Mary ensure the message buoy is loaded with all our latest data and deploy it. Maintain the data updates throughout the rest of the evolution. Set it so that if it loses contact with us it will proceed to the system edge and then activate its beacon. That way if/when someone comes looking for us they will have the latest information." "Understood," Mary replied.

"Sonny, as well as keeping an eye on the ship systems and engines, I want you ready to man the Laser turret, although I hope it doesn't come to that." He nodded and proceeded to the turret to do preliminary checks. "Bob, prep a drone for deployment. You will be running the drone and its sensors, while Mary will be monitoring the ship's sensors. Both of you keep your data updating on the buoy." After a few minutes of preparation the crew reported ready. "Very well, deploy the drone," she said.

The drone was deployed without hitch, and after ensuring the sensors and data transmission were operating properly, she ordered it to move slowly towards the cube. For a while the Cube remained unchanged, but then both Bob and Mary said in raised voices, "Cube is changing configuration!". Sonny started moving towards the turret, while she asked, "What do you see?" Bob replied, "It looks like some sort of port is opening, although it is relatively small." It could be about to deploy a weapon she thought, but before she could give her next command Bob followed with "its stopped. It actually looks like a small docking port." "Bring the drone up to it slowly," she ordered.

Bob reported, "Cube and port are unchanged, the drone is within a few meters now. Sensors can only report a low thrumming noise like machinery, and some light but nothing more. It appears to be an entry corridor. But the port is too small to allow the drone to pass through to the inside." After waiting a few more minutes to confirm the Cube was unchanged, Carol was faced with her next decision.

"All right, since it didn't shot the drone out of the sky I will take that as a good sign. We're next, I'm taking the ship in. Concerns anyone?." Bob and Mary remained intent on their sensor panels saying nothing, while Sonny started moving back to the turret, anticipating and making her next order unnecessary. She had forgot how well they were able to anticipate each other…

She started bringing the ship in slowly towards the Cube trying to follow the drone's approach exactly. At almost the same point as the drone's approach both Bob and Mary reported, "Cube changing configuration!". Then almost immediately followed with, "Access port appears to be enlarging." As the ship closed on the Cube the port eventually stopped growing, and while still not big enough for the drone to pass through, it was big enough for them to enter through, perhaps even extend a docking tube.

It seems the Cube is extending us an invitation to come aboard she thought as she brought the ship to a stop a few meters from the port…

"The Dice don't lie."


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