Starfire Saga #2 - return to VX-134

Capt 'Lucky' Howie limps back to Epsilon Eridani with critical information for the Terran Federation - there is an aggressive/hostile alien race with at least similar technology 3 Warp Points from the Sol system and Earth.

Either the TFN can fortify the Epsilon Eridani system and wait for the inevitable attack or they can carry out a preemptive 'offensive recon' mission. The decision is made to return to VX-134 but this time ready for a fight. The Discovery is refitted with 2 new dual purpose Gun/Missile launchers (W) in the place of its dedicated Gun (G) and Missile (R) launchers. These new launchers are able to fire either unguided gun shells for close range or standard missiles for long range combat. Discovery is joined by another converted Frigate (FF) class survey ship the Outreach and also a new Destroyer (DD) class warship the Napoleon. Capt. Anderson will command the newly formed Task Force 101 from the DD 'Nappy'.

Meanwhile on the other side of the Warp Point the Khanate forces have not been sleeping. The Alkzar has been sent back to the nearest Fleet repair site in ignominy for letting the aliens escape. In its place the District Governor's Flagship  (Light Cruiser (CL) class Karhae) and 3 Escort vessels (Malkon, Ralkon, and Talron) arrive at VX-134 in preparation for an attack through the Warp Point against the upstart aliens. Least Claw Hadrassha'do-kalah is in command of the Battle Group. Also a Base Station is towed to the system and put in orbit around the planet Mazdranar for a more permanent system defense.

The TFN strikes first - Capt. Anderson choosing to enter VX-134 moving away from the planet to assess the situation before committing to combat. But the Least Claw reacts aggressively to the alien 'chofaki' return charging the intruders at full speed and then opening fire on the largest alien vessel - scoring 3 Missile hits on the Nappy. TF 101 returns fire initially concentrating fire on a weaker Escort class ship scoring 3 hits while getting 1 hit on the Karhae.

Looks like no chance for negotiations…

The Commander of the Escort Malkon contacts the Least Fang:

"Sir, we have done some analysis of the alien ships. They each appear to have 2 Missile Launchers each and are faster than all our ships except yours. If they keep the range open it will be 6 Launchers vs our 4 and our Escorts are smaller and less able to take damage. Also, if they can separate us they can overwhelm us piecemeal. Recommend we return to the planet and in the range of the Station's weapons and support to counteract both their weapon and speed advantage. Make them come to us. At the very least we need to keep the Flagship with the Escort group to keep our offensive power concentrated."

Least Fang replies:

"You COWARD! My ship alone will be able to destroy these 'chofaki' if needed. We will not let them 'run away' like last time. Full speed ahead all ships and we will cut them off from the Warp Point and annihilate them! If you are 'afraid' you can return to the warm embrace of the Mother Station…"

Meanwhile on the Nappy:

"Sir, that ship is bigger than ours with more shields and armor - but appears to only have 1 missile launcher. If we can keep the range we should be able to pick off the weaker Escorts quicker from long range first before chipping away at the larger ship."

Capt Anderson - "Continue with that plan of attack for now but if the larger ship is able to close and bring more weapons to bear then we may need to shift fire."

CO Malkon:

"Sir, shields are down, we are streaming air, weapons are destroyed, and our engines are damaged reducing our speed. Request permission to withdraw."

Least Claw:

"Go, return to the Mother Base - you have your wish. We will continue and enjoy the glory alone of crushing the upstart aliens!"

On the Nappy:

"Sir, solid hits on the target escort and they seem to be disabled and returning to base. But the larger ship has closed the range on us with its superior speed and brought more weapons to bear as you predicted. Our shields are down and armor almost gone. Recommend shifting the Task Force's fire to her…"

Capt. Anderson:

"Very well, all ships shift fire to large closest alien vessel. Also execute a turn away to try to keep or extend the range if possible"

Least Claw:

"All ships full speed ahead and continue to concentrate fire on the largest alien vessel."

Meanwhile, the disabled Malkon turns away towards the planet and cover of the Base. Her CO has a bad feeling about the battle and starts plotting a course to the Warp Point to the Kharod system on the other side of the planet. The Battle report must get to HQ no matter what…

On the Nappy:

"Sir, armor is gone and we are streaming air."

Capt. Anderson :

"Try to keep the range and pour on the fire"

On the Karhae:

"Sir, we have become the focus of their fire and are taking hits on shields and armor. Our Escorts are lagging behind - what are your orders?"

Least Claw: "We will finish these 'chofaki'! All ships continue to close at full speed and fire on the biggest alien ship. We will finish it first then the other 2 smaller ships"

Capt. Anderson: "It's going to be close…"

Nappy: "Sir, all systems and weapons are down, life support is on batteries and we only have 3 engines left. Should we prepare to abandon ship?"

Capt. Anderson "No, that other ship looks almost as bad as us. Discovery and Outreach should be able to disable her just in time."

Karhae: "Sir, we are down to one gun launcher and the other alien ships are concentrating their missile fire on us. Not sure if we can take more hits and we are too far from the Escorts for their support."

Karhae: "Sir! Least Claw! XO and a Med. Team to the bridge immediately!"

Nappy: "Sir, the enemy ship appears to be disabled and moving slower. The Outreach and Discovery did it!"

Capt. Anderson: "Quick, tell them to shift all fire on the pursuing Escorts! We can deal with the larger ship later."

Nappy: "Sir the remaining Alien escorts have shifted fire to the Discovery. She is starting to lose shields. But it looks like the aliens have only 1 missile launcher each compared to Discovery and Outreach's 4 total so we have the advantage.

Talron: "Keep focusing on the Alien Frigate"

Nappy: "Sir, it appears we have disabled one of the Alien escorts - Outreach and Discovery are shifting fire to the remaining Alien Escort. The other alien vessels are moving off."

Ralkon: "We should have listened to the CO of the Talron and stayed close to the base. It's too late now though. For the Khanate - full speed ahead!"

Nappy: "Sir, the remaining Alien Escort has been destroyed. Discovery's shields are down and she is streaming air but her weapons and engines are still operational. What should we do about the remaining disabled Alien ships?"

Nappy/Capt. Anderson: "We should have enough of their language for basic communications. Ask them to surrender…"

"Sir, we believe they have refused. From their response they use the term "chofaki" numerous times in referring to us. I think it is a derogatory term. Also we received a communication that is roughly translated "go to hell."

Capt. Anderson: "Then they have given us no choice. We can't afford to let them escape and repair those ships so we have to face them again. Order Discovery and Outreach to finish them off…"

"Sir, Alien vessels destroyed. What about the station and remaining vessel?

Malkon: "Base Station this is Malkon. All our weapons are destroyed and we are proceeding best possible speed to the Kharod Warp Point. The rest of the fleet needs to know about these Aliens. We believe the Aliens have been damaged and you should be able to hold out until reinforcements return."

Base Station: "Malkon, you must stay and defend us. We have received destruct codes from our 3 other vessels. We don't think we can hold out."

Malkon: "Base Station, all our weapons are destroyed. We must get the report of this battle to the rest of the Fleet."

Nappy: "Sir, while Outreach is undamaged, Discovery's shields and armor are gone and she will probably be disabled if she takes any more damage. I don't think we have the strength to defeat the Alien Base Station. We need repairs and reinforcements. Also, the remaining alien vessel looks like she is heading to the other side of the planet, probably to another Warp Point to warn the rest of their fleet. We can't get to her to prevent this with the Base Station between us and her."

Capt. Anderson: "We won't be able to stop the alien vessel. And we can't wait for repairs and reinforcements - the aliens will do the same during that time and we will be right where we started this battle again. Let's see if we can bluff our way through this. Move to the edge of communications range and contact the Alien Base station. Tell them we have destroyed all their vessels and we have lost none of ours. Surrender immediately or we will destroy them next…"


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