Starfire Saga #3 - ISW1 - Battle of Orphichon

Back again - The Starfire Saga - ISW 1. This is also in response to something I heard at the end of the of a Grogcast Episode - "just get the game out and play it." So the dance between the nascent TFN and KON continues…

Mix and match on the Scenario and Rules. Using the Gorm-Khanate 2nd edition updates to the rules - biggest for this scenario is using Engine Rooms now instead of individual Ion Engines. A number of new systems are included that now matches better with the later Starfire 3rd Edition Rules. Therefore I am using The Stars at War scenario ship list and the updated ship specs from the 3rd edition rules. But I am still using the setup from the original 2nd Ed scenario which starts at the Tactical level vs. the System level.

The KON has some definite technology advantages in this scenario - specifically Datalink, Force Beams, and Tractors. Datalink allows 3 ships to form a group and fire together - better chance to inflict more damage and possibly overwhelm the target's defenses. Also, both sides get Point Defense for their CL and DD units to try to reduce enemy missile fire effectiveness.

Apparently, the Terrans entered thru a closed Warp Point from Centaurus and were detected before they could withdraw. So to prevent the Khanate from learning of the closed warp point they have to escape thru the Khanate WP back to VX-134.

Victory Conditions: Decisive TFN if more VPs and a ship escapes. Marginal if a ship escapes. KON Decisive if more VPs and tractor a TFN ship. Marginal if more VPs.

The TFN problem is they are mainly Launcher (Missile/Gun) armed and need to keep the range open but still need to go for the exit WP. Do they attempt to disable the KON ships with a Missile duel and then rush the WP or just rush the WP and hope for the best? The KON matches total launchers count and the DDs have force beams for close in combat. Do they close with the TFN or wait at the exit WP for the TFN to come to them? The TFN ships on the whole are faster so may be better to wait - although this does not match the KON spirit. Maybe a compromise - form 2 datalink groups of CL and ES's for long range missile fire, and DDs in a group and send them in for close range Force beam attack.

The KON wins the Initiative and forms into 2 datalink groups - the first CL Talrae/ES Toraa/ES Boraa and the second DD's Bolchoi/Holchoi. I am playing that ships pass thru the WP one at a time. KON leads with the DD Datalink group heading for the planet since they don't know of the presence of the TFN ships yet.

TFN Survey Squadron 11, Capt. Horatio Spruance commanding, initially heads parallel to the nearest planet to scan the system before heading in system for more investigation. Closest range between opposing ships is greater than 20 hexes so no weapons are in range. But at this range both sides detect each other with their ships equipped with Science packages - just no detailed ship type info.

Based on the KON astrogation data captured at VX-134 this system and its WPs are immediately identified. Capt. Spruance has a decision to make after detecting the presence of unknown/probably KON ships. Withdraw immediately thru the closed WP and possibly give away its location (preventing a future surprise attack thru it on the system) or continue to the WP that connects to the nearly captured VX-134.

The previous 2 encounters with the KON have resulted in victories for the TFN…

Why would this be any different?

The KON BG Commander  (Claw Jaathar'eomaak) decides to split forces - The DD group heads 'south' of the planet while the CL/ES/ES group goes 'north.' This should bracket the TFN Squadron no matter which direction they decide to go. Meanwhile the TFN Squadron closes up formation and begins the turn towards the planet. Barely under 20 hexes so both sides know enemy ships and relative sizes. Also now at extreme missile and beam range - KON DD's and TFN ships start a long range exchange of fire.

Nelson fires first with a 3 STD Missile salvo against the lead KON DD at 19 hexes. The KON DDs return fire with a total of 2 STD missiles but pick the FG Grissom as the target planning to let the CL/ES/ES group focus on the bigger ships when they come into range. The KON DD Holchoi's Point Defense performs badly - only knocking down 1 out of the 5 missile hits but the last TFN FG's fire totally missed at least. But her shields are down and she is 2 hits away from losing her Datalink system…

The TFN Squadron initially moves forward then turns to port to close on the DDs and try to avoid getting sandwiched between the two enemy groups while still closing on the exit WP. Capt. Spruance is hoping to defeat the KON BG in detail if possible.

The TFN fire again focuses on the lead KON DD Holchoi, Nelson first w/3 missiles and 2 Lasers now in range. PDs only take out 1 missile - so Holchoi is now streaming air, and her datalink is down. Nelson's Lasers then hit and take out an Engine Room and the Force Beam! Things are looking good for the TFN…

The 2nd KON group is in range for missiles and lets loose a 7 missile salvo vs the other TFN FG, Encounter. 5 missile hits and 1 Laser hit - Encounter is shields down and streaming air.

The remaining TFN ships continue focusing their fire on the KON DD Holchoi - and Holchoi returns fire on the TFN FG Grisson. But the KON DD Bolchoi observes the missile strikes on the TFN FG Encounter and shifts its fire to her working with the KON CL/ES/ES group.

The coordinated 7 missile strike from the KON CL group was a surprise/shock and the TFN Commander decides to immediately turn towards WP2 and make a run for it before experiencing any more surprises…

The TFN Survey Squadron turn towards the exit WP going to VX-134 and increases speed to max - they are protecting the hidden WP by not using it to escape. But it will mean they have to 'run the gauntlet' while disabling the KON DD's in passing. Hopefully, there will be no more Technology surprises.

The KON DD's continue to close on the TFN Squadron while the Flagship's group starts to maneuver to get between the TFN and the exit WP they appear to be using. This still does not explain how they got in the system to begin with - the KON Commander ponders "perhaps there is a closed WP somewhere on the other side of the system." In the meantime the KON Commander still has one more trick on the Flagship up his sleeve which he plans to use on the best target…

Nelson fires and shifts to Gun mode to avoid the KON DDs PD - 3 hits total barely takes out the DDs Missile launcher. In hindsight maybe the TFN should have fired the Encounter first because…

The KON Flagship datalink group fires on Encounter hoping to take out her weapons before they can be used. 7 missile salvo again - just barely out of range of the Flagship's laser. 6 out of 7 missiles hit. Encounter is crippled - only 2 engines and Quarters are left and she loses her chance to fire her Launchers this turn.

Grissom vs damaged Holchoi - also shifting to Gun mode to avoid the DD's PD. Holchoi's laser is destroyed - she is now totally defanged. Bolchoi fires against Nappie DD at 2 hexes - going for the full effect of her Lasers and Force Beam close range damage. Force Beam, Laser and Gun hit causing 3+2+1=6 hits. The Force beam is another technology surprise for the TFN. Nappie is down to 1 shield and 1 armor. Nappie returns fire with 2 Launchers in gun mode scoring 2 hits - but inflicting nothing like the damage she received.

Are there any more surprises coming the TFN Commander wonders?

The TFN Squadron is now focused on escape but the Encounter is starting to seriously straggle behind. Meanwhile the KON Flagship group closes the range starting to turn the battle into a close quarters melee. The KON DD Bolchoi tries to stay on the Nelson in her blindspot/'baffles' if possible and use her lasers and force beam again at close range. The crippled KON DD Holchoi attempts to stealthily leave the battlefield to fight another day.

The KON Flagship group shifts fire to the Nappie - 7W and 2L from the flagship. 10 hits total with the Laser doing double damage. She's still left with a Launcher and 3 Engine rooms - but seriously damaged.

Nelson targets the trailing Bolchoi just on the edge of her blindspot - trying to damage her before she can fire with her cursed force beam again. 2 Lasers and 3 Launchers in Gun Mode (no PD) all hit causing 7 hits. Her Force Beam is destroyed, shields down, and streaming air, and one engine room is destroyed reducing her speed. But she still has a Laser and a Launcher so returns fire on the Nelson and takes out a shield and some armor.

Finally, Grissom fires on the closest escort in the KON Flagship group the Toraa with 2 launchers. She takes out her Armor and datalink.

Tractor phase - the last surprise…

The Flagship Talrae activates her Tractor and targets the CL Nelson - 3 hexes away so within the 5 hex range. The Nelson has no defenses against the Tractor since this is the first time it has been used against the TFN. Wham! On the Nelson the crew experiences the 'star trek effect', being thrown around all over the ship. Since the Talrae and Nelson have the same number of Engine Rooms generating the same power they will be frozen in place next turn…

TFN Nelson is immobilized but at least turns to keep the KON DD Bolchoi out of her blind spot. The FG Grissom as the only TFN ship with all Engine Rooms intact is commanded to immediately escape via WP 2 to get the new intelligence on the closed WP and KON new weapons back to HQ. But on her last move she turns to unmask her launchers for one more parting shot. The heavily damaged Nappie and Encounter make best possible speed for the WP but this takes the Encounter right into the middle of the melee.

The heavily damaged KON DD Holchoi continues to maneuver to leave the battlefield and head towards planet 2 for protection and repair. The KON Talrae is immobilized while holding the TFN Nelson in her tractor. The Toraa and Boraa stay within datalink range of the flagship but turn to keep the fleeing TFN ships in their sights. Lastly the KON DD Bolchoi attempts to unsuccessfully maneuver into the Nelson's blind spot.

The Nelson fires first - while she would like to start whittling down the enemy CL and its Tractor - the DD is too close and needs to be disabled before it can fire again at close range. She succeeds blasting the KON DD with her full broadside. The Bolchoi is disable and left with 3 engine rooms and life support. 

The KON Flagship and her Escort group focus their fire on the TFN Nelson. 10 hits - Nelson is now shields down and streaming air. She is not going to last long against this firepower and cannot escape the Talrae's tractor. But perhaps she can keep the enemy occupied long enough to allow the other Squadron ships to escape…

The TFN Grissom turns away and arrives at the WP to VX-134 - at least she will get the WP and KON weapons intelligence back to TFN HQ. Nappie and Encounter follow attempting to reach the WP also. TFN Nelson and KON Talrae continue to be locked in their embrace. The KON Escorts stay close to the Flagship planning on continuing the pounding of the TFN Nelson. Finally, both KON DD's are now disabled and heading off for the protection of the planets.

The TFN Commander has a choice - try to take down the Talrae shields and armor and then hopefully her Tractor to free the ship. But considering the amount of damage she has/is taking she may not last long enough to do this. Instead, the TFN Commander decides to help the other escaping TFN ships by trying to destroy the fragile KON Escorts - the KON Talrae will be pre-occupied with the Nelson at least for a few turns.

The KON Flagship group pounds the Nelson again destroying 2 of her launchers. But not before the Nelson fires at and destroys the KON Toraa. One down one to go the TFN Commander thinks…

Nappie and Encounter continue to head for the exit WP while the disabled KON DDs head for the system planets to land/get repairs.

The Talrae and Nelson are still locked in a Tractored embrace. The Nelson fires first and goes for the easier to disable Boraa. In the short term it reduces KON fire volume - but in the long term, the undamaged Talrae will still win the dance with the Nelson. But the rest of the TFN Squadron ships' chances to escape are growing.

Boraa loses Data Link and 1 Launcher - 1 more attack like this and she will be destroyed. But then the Talrae returns fire..

Nelson is down to 1 Launcher and 1 Laser. But she has bought the time for the rest of the Squadron to escape with the critical System and Technology information…

The Nappie escapes and the Encounter is close behind.

The Nelson gets to fire first again and destroys the Boraa - but then the still undamaged Talrae returns fire.

Nelson is left with a Laser and 2 Engine Rooms…

Talrae only fires its Laser this time - hoping to take out the Nelson's remaining weapons but not destroy her.

Nelson gets 2 Armor hits on the Talrae but then her return fire destroys the Laser mount.
Now the Talrae tractor starts pulling the Nelson closer for boarding…

Self-Destruct or Repel Borders - what will the TFN Commander do?


The Nelson's Captain had mixed emotions - the rest of the Squadron made it to the Warp Point and ultimately back to Federation space with the vital information on the enemy's ships and unexpected tractor weapon. But now he watched helplessly while the virtually undamaged Khanate CL kept his ship locked in place. The only option he could think of was self-destruct. He had hoped the enemy would pull his ship close and board directly but the Khanate CL was keeping its distance.

Then his wounded XO called out "Multiple small craft leaving the enemy ship! I think they intend to board us."

This was the best he could do at this point. When the Khanate craft made contact with the hull of his ship he said to his remaining Bridge Crew and over the ship's 1MC - "Ladies and Gentlemen it has been an honor serving with you - start the self-destruct countdown." With the sound of explosions against the hull in the background, the timer slowly counted down from 60 seconds.

Then in a blinding flash of light, the TFN Nelson becomes a legend in the annals of the Terran Federation Navy…


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