The Starfire Saga Begins #1 - First Contact

An AAR I posted on the forum in 2017.

This hopefully begins a series of AARs starting at the beginning of the Starfire Universe. Starfire is a starship combat game that started as a Task Force Games pocket game in the late 70's - which matches with my early years of gaming. It was around the same time as the Metagaming Pocket games (Orge, GEV, etc.) and GDW SciFigames based on their Traveler Universe (Imperium, Mayday, Snapshot, etc.). I was also into the bread and butter games of the time from AH and SPI - but SciFi Movies/books/games were/continue to be a major focus of mine.

The Starfire system has evolved over time - Task Force Games published a boxed 2nd Edition updating the Tactical and Strategic/Campaign systems before they went out of business. The game was picked up by the Starfire Design Studio (SDS) which continues to evolve the system - initially with Galactic then Ultra Starfire. The latest version called Solar Starfire came out in 2012. It is a very detailed (some say overly) tactical/strategic system.  The free very detailed 4x space video game Aurora spun off from Starfire also. Finally, numerous SciFi books have been written in this 'universe' - Crusade/In Death Ground/Shiva Option/Insurrection.

My entry point in the Starfire Rules evolution will be the 2nd Edition Task Force Games rules set that have recently been rereleased on by the SDS. These rules were cleaned up and enhanced from the First Edition and before the complexity increased in the later SDS versions. The actual system is a compromise between reality and playability - 2D, not 3D, inertia effects minimized. For some it may be too simplistic - for me, it hits the sweet spot between complexity and playability and is able to generate a narrative.

The first Scenario is the first contact between the Terran and Khanate Empires - partway into the intro:

"Thereafter, the Terrans began looking in earnest for what had come to be known as Hermes Points, or more commonly, warp points. The Sol system was found to have only one, and it led only to Proxima Centauri. However, the Alpha Centauri system had no less than six warp points, which led to such interesting places as Sigma Draconis, Epsilon Eridani, Epsilon lndi, Tau Ceti, Luytens Star, and Wolf 424. The human race expanded and colonized, and by 2205 had major population centers (of one million or more) on five different planets, colonies (of 50,000 or more) on twenty-three others, and outposts on sixty more.

Then, near an unimportant star known only by the designation VX-134, the course of human history was forever changed."

TF/SDS Starfire 2nd Ed Rules p.18

Turn 1

Capt. Howard Anderson emerges from the newly discovered Warp Point in his Frigate sized exploration ship Discovery. On his scanners, much to his and the crew's surprise they detect a planet of comparative technology and a spaceship a bit smaller than theirs moving to meet/intercept them… 

You will notice on the image in the first post there are windows open giving the details of each ship. Starfire uses a list of letters/numbers to detail a ship's systems/weapons and record damage.

The Discovery:
Turn Mode 2 - must spend 2 MPs before can turn
Movement 6 - has 6 Ion engines so until damaged can spend 6 MPs in a turn
S - Shields
A - Armor
X - Science Instruments
H - Hold
I - Ion Engine - 6 so 6 MPs
L - Laser
R - Std Missile launcher
The Alkzar:
(2) SAIGIRII (4)
Turn Mode 2
Movement 4 - 4 Ion Engines
G - Gun weapon

So comparing the 2 ships - the Discovery is bigger, faster, and has a slightly more effective weapon in the Laser compared to the Alkzar Gun with better range and more damage at close range. In a straight-up battle the advantage is clearly with her. But there are a number of special rules in this scenario that tip the balance back to the Alkzar. The Khanate has the initiative for the entire scenario - move second/fire first. Also since this is First Contact the Discovery holds fire until the turn AFTER the Alkzar decides to fire. With initiative, this means the Alkzar gets to fire twice before the Discovery returns fire.

Tactical victory for the Terran occurs if the Discovery gets within 2 hexes of the Alkzar with an operable X/Science Package to scan it then is able to return and depart through the Warp Point. Decisive victory if the Discovery can also get within 2 hexes of the Planet and scan it before returning thru the Warp Point. Draw if the Khanate fires and the Terrans are able to withdraw thru the Warp point. Finally, it is a Khanate victory if the Discovery never makes it home again. With the Discovery's speed though the Alkzar won't be able to keep her from scanning the planet unless she engages.

The stage is set…

Capt. Anderson decides to head in system towards the planet and possible first contact with the approaching starship at full speed.
His primary mission is to collect all possible data on the system and its occupants and then get that info back to his home base.
The unknown ship seems to agree as it proceeds at what appears to be full speed towards the Discovery.

The range is still not optimum for his Gun so the Alkzar Capt. decides to hold his fire… for now.

The next turn and both ships continue to close finding themselves adjacent at the end of movement.
Not anticipating the speed of the Terran vessel the Alkzar Capt. finds his ship closer than ideal for his missiles but decides now is the time to open fire.
He needs on 2d6 an 11 or less for a gun hit and a 4 or less for a missile hit.
He gets lucky and scores both hits inflicting 2 pts of damage on the Discovery taking out its Shields and Armor.

Next turn Capt. Anderson has to make a decision.
The unknown ship has not responded to any communications and now has fired on his ship inflicting damage.
Does he:

   1. Remain close to the unknown ship and continue trying to communicate.
   2. Remain close and return fire and attempt to disable the unknown vessel but risk his destruction and failure to get the vital information back to home base.
   3. Continue his primary mission and proceed to scanning range of the planet then attempt to evade the unknown vessel and withdraw through the warp point.
   4. Turn around and run away immediately.

Communication Option: I added this just for narrative. Obviously the unknown ship had replied to communications by opening fire. But there was that TOS episode where Kirk got really old, so the Federation Commissioner/Diplomat took command,  ordered a shortcut thru the Neutral Zone, and when the Romulans opened fire he asked if he could just negotiate with them. But in this case Capt. Anderson is not a Diplomat.

Prudent Option: Immediately turn around and withdraw thru the Warp Point with the knowledge that a hostile race is in the system and at least we have the scanned data from the unknown ship. This would be a Tactical Victory for the Terran side. But this feels like a mission failure without the planet data.

Reckless Option: Immediately engage in combat with the unknown ship assuming the ship/system has no more surprises and the Discovery can overcome them. Risky.

Risk/Benefit: Focus on the mission by continuing on to the planet and collecting the information while engaging/evading the unknown ship and getting thru the Warp Point. But this still assumes there are no more surprises in the system.

For this play thru Capt. Anderson goes for the planet hoping to engage/evade the unknown ship.
The Alkzar expends all MPs in place allowing it to turn to any direction at the end of its movement - doing a 180 to pursue the Discovery as it moves towards the planet. Both sides exchange fire and the Alkzar scores a missile hit taking out one of Discovery's science packages, while the Discovery misses both with its Laser and Missile. Not a good showing for the Discovery.

The Discovery closes to scanning range of the planet while the Alkzar continues pursuit. The Alkzar gets a lucky Gun hit as well as a Missile hit taking out a Hold and an Ion engine on the Discovery. This reduces the Discovery's max speed to 5. The Discovery returns fire and finally lands a Laser and Missile hit taking out the Alkzar's Shields and Armor. Things are not looking promising for Capt. Anderson making it back to the Warp Point.

Instead of continuing to move away from the Alkzar to reduce the effectiveness of its fire, Capt. Anderson decides to continue around the planet and go immediately for the Warp Point. The Alkzar moves to intercept. Alkzar scores a missile hit and takes out Discovery's Laser - did Capt. Anderson make the wrong decision going for the Warp Point and not trying to evade? The Discovery lands a hit with its remaining missile taking out an Ion engine and reducing the Alkzar to 3 MPs max. The Discovery can take more damage but the Warp Point is still a long distance away and the Alkzar is between her and escape.

The Discovery moves for the Warp Point while trying unsuccessfully to get behind the Alkzar into its blind spot behind its engines.

The Alkzar Gun scores a hit and takes out Discovery's remaining Science package while both ships missiles miss due to the close range.

The Discovery slowly opens the range on the Alkzar while heading for the Warp Point - turning at the end to unmask its weapons. Alkzar continues pursuit.

Alkzar gets a missile hit taking out one of Discovery's Ion engines reducing its speed to 4 MPs. The Discovery gets a missile hit taking out Alkzar's Gun. Now it is a missile duel.

The race for the Warp Point continues. Alkzar's missile hits again taking out Discovery's missile launcher leaving it with no weapons. All that is left is to get to the Warp Point before the Alkzar can take out its remaining engines.

It’s a straightforward race to the Warp Point. The Alkzar will pursue slightly slower with the range slowly opening - but for missile fire, it remains in optimum range the entire way. To hit the Alkzar needs a 9 or less - 1 in 4 chance to miss. She needs to hit sooner rather than later to start reducing the Discovery's speed.

Turn 10 - The Discovery makes a beeline for the WP. The Alkzar pursues and fires - and MISSES! The Discovery will get another turn at speed 4.

Next Turn both ships move straight ahead full speed. The Alkzar fires again - and rolls BOXCARS! In some games that would mean the missile launcher fails. Another Turn at 4MP for the Discovery and now it is too late for the Alkzar to stop her. She fires again finally getting a hit reducing the Discovery to 3 Ion Engines/MPs. But it is too little too late.

Capt. Anderson and the Discovery limp thru the Warp Point to safety and more importantly with vital information for the Terran Federation. What the Terran Federation decides to do with the information sets up the next scenario. And Capt. Howard Anderson earns a new nickname - 'Lucky Howie'…

And the Alkzar Missile Crew… well if you know anything about the Khanate race, their careers have moved into a much less promising path.


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