JTS/WDS Bulge 44 - Starter Scenario AAR Turn 3

German turn 3 and the Germans are starting to hit some solid resistance.

In the north Stugs to extend and go around the US flank - but they run into the rest of the Greyhound recon unit. The I/294 Bn mauls a US HQ unit but does not get across the stream/river. The II/294 Bn runs into 2 US Inf Bns and gets disrupted - not good. Looking at the 3 US Inf Bn and Recon units it does not look like the Germans will be able to drive down the diagonal center road. Maybe the Stugs can make a dash to the road to the north next turn and make a dash for the US VP hexes…

In the center, the 295th Reg units move forward and continue to keep the US Inf Reg units engaged.

In the south, with the arrival of the US Inf Bn last turn, it means the Germans will have to assault the town instead of a quick outflanking maneuver. One Inf Bn assaults the exposed US Art Bn and causes it to break and retreat setting up the Ger Bn for the assault on Blejaf next turn. The other Inf and Eng Bn move up next to the town for the assault. The Hetzers are deployed behind them, next turn they can assist or perhaps make their own dash to the north.

Counting detected US Inf Bn there are 7 total. Assuming 1 Div w/3 Reg of 3/Bn each - there are 2 more US Inf Bn possibly out there - probably in the south? The US turn may reveal that…

US Turn - the other possible US Inf Bn did appear - all in the north. A lot of fire was exchanged and numerous units on both sides suffered casualties and were disrupted. In the north, the Stugs are still viable and the I/294 Bn (but low on ammo). The remaining German and US units are disrupted - and the center US Inf Bns are moving north also to the battle.

In the south, the German Inf and Eng Bn in travel mode were disrupted (hence don't move adj to the enemy in travel mode - D'oh!), but at least the Hetzers and deployed Inf Bn are not disrupted and could conceivably take Blejaf during turn 4. Also, it appears the US Inf Bn in Blejaf is all that is guarding the southern flank (and the broken Art Bn). This could be where the breakthrough is made.

Losses VPs are roughly equal so the remaining VP hexes are critical…


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