Command Modern Ops - The Final Countdown - Intro/Initial Moves

This is an oldie but a goodie I posted in 2014 on the Matrix Games forums. Poking around the CMO database I found ships and aircraft of the IJN circa the '40s. This meant I could try to change the ending of a movie from the '80s called...

Back in college they piled all of us NROTC students into the auditorium and gave us a private showing of "The Final Countdown"
Everyone roared when the Tomcats went head to head with the Zeroes halfway thru the movie. But in the end, we were a bit disappointed that the strike against the Japanese Fleet had to be called off because of the return of the strange time-traveling storm. We all thought the Nimitz would kick butt - but were not really sure. Now, thanks to Command, that question can finally be explored and answered…

I realized I could even build the IJN First Air Fleet - all the ships and AC were there. Some of the escorts were later models with radar (Japanese Mk 1 Mod 1 radar was created right at the same time as the Pearl Harbor raid) but I could just keep them off via EMCON settings to simulate the time period. Below is an image of the IJN First Air Fleet (Daiichi Kōkū Kantai) with its primary strike component - the 6 carriers of the Kido Butai:

Doing some quick research on the internet I was able to load up all the carriers with close to their complement of AC for the Pearl Harbor attack. There were only 3 types of AC present and all were in the latest CWDB:
A6M Zero (later model but close enough)
D3A Val Dive Bomber
B5N Kate Torpedo Bomber

Here's a link to the info for those interested:

So to setup the scenario I tried to load the Nimitz up with its AC complement circa 1980 - from quick research:
X2 Squadrons of F-14A's
X2 Squadrons of A-7E's
X1 Squadron of A-6E/KA-6D Tankers
X4 E-2C Hawkeyes
Also some EA-6B Prowlers, SH-3H Helos, RF-8G Recon, EA3 detachment.
I also tried to match the squadron names present on the Nimitz as of 1980.
CVW-8 -

I placed the Nimitz west of Pearl at dead stop going north. None of the AC were loaded out and the local time was approximately 1030. This simulated their confusion and recovery after passing thru the time storm.

The IJN First Air Fleet I tried to place at their historical location on the morning of 12/6/41 and set them on a matching historical course for the next morning attack. I arbitrarily put 6 AC on each carrier on 1/3 rotating CAP out to 20 miles - putting 12 Zeroes in the air at any point in time. The radars were turned off on the escorts to simulate the time period.

IJN 387 AC vs Nimitz 84 AC
108 Zeros vs 24 F-14s

Finally I created a place holder base to represent Pearl Harbor for now.
Here are the starting positions:

In the movie, the Nimitz found that all normal comms were down but they were picking up "old-style" radio broadcasts. One of the news broadcasts said something about the Germans being at the gates of Moscow so they initially assumed WW3 had started. To check that they sent an RF-8 to overfly Pearl to see if it had been destroyed. When the pictures came back they saw it was still there but did not look as expected. Thanks to the CAG being a part-time historian they realized Pearl looked like the day before Dec 7th, 1941 - all the Battleships were there…

To test that conclusion in the movie they sent an E-2C Hawkeye to check if the Japanese Fleet was located where it had been on 12/6/1941. So I prepped the E-2C's and since it was a possible war situation according to the radio reports loaded out both F-14 squadrons for heavy BarCAP. When the AC were ready I launched a single E-2C to check the area north of Pearl where the IJN Fleet was supposed to be and put 6 F-14A's on 1/3 rotating CAP over the Nimitz.

Here is an image of the Nimitz with the E-2C in the air heading to the NE and there are 2 F-14's preparing to launch for CAP.

When the E-2C got close to station the Radar operator shouted "Holy Crap! - there they are!"

In response I then started arming all the strike AC:
A-7E - 500lbs Mk82 bombs
A-6E - AGM-62 Walleyes
Also prepped the rest of the AC to support a strike - but probably don't need ELINT (but will need tankers).
Also, put all E-2C's on a rotating surveillance mission between the IJN Fleet and Pearl - but not close enough for Mk1 eyeball detection by the IJN CAP.
Finally, the Nimitz increased speed to flank on course North to put herself as close as possible to launch when the strike AC were ready (3hrs for 2 squadrons).

At approx 1630 1 Squadron of A-7E's and the A-6E's were ready - but 1 squadron of A-7E's still needed over 2 hours to prep. The IJN Fleet was 500nm away. Since the time was 1630 and the sun would be setting in a few hours - what to do CO/CAG?
In the movie, the question was whether they were really at war w/the Japanese or did they have to wait until the attack actually happened?

1. Launch the strike with all ready AC and try to preempt the dawn IJN launch?
2. Wait until dawn and then launch ALL Strike AC on the strike but potentially miss the first attack wave's departure.
3. Launch at dawn but split the strike, with part being a fighter sweep of F-14's to destroy the first wave en route while the rest on an ASuW mission to hit the IJN Fleet/carriers.
4. Put 1 squadron of F-14's on CAP over Pearl and when the Japanese actually start the attack - thus really at war - respond. This can be anticipated by having the ASuW strike in the air near the IJN Fleet at the commencement of hostilities and letting the Pearl F-14 CAP take out the First wave over Pearl after they start attacking the base.

Luckily with Command I can explore all the options.


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