JTS/WDS Bulge 44 - Starter Scenario AAR Turn 2

 Some initial lessons learned, both old and new:

Travel mode - This is a basic guideline written into the rules - only use travel mode for your units behind the lines. If they are fired on/attacked while in travel mode they are more vulnerable to casualties. Use deployed units to screen units in travel mode from the enemy. The problem with this specific scenario is there are a lot of streams with bridges (only crossable in travel mode) and traveling on forest/road/snow hexes can only be done at more than 1 hex per turn in travel mode. This scenario has only 9 turns so speed is of the essence. So at least for the starting terrain (forest/roads/snow), the Germans need to stay in travel mode as long as possible - even to contact with the enemy. 

Unit Movement - Somewhat new lesson, especially in the congested terrain/roads - only move one unit at a time and try to avoid moving thru other units. Otherwise depending on the stacking limit of the terrain in the hex you end up with traffic jams and are more vulnerable to enemy fire. So far in this scenario, the issue is moving a single unit/column on the forest roads. Hopefully, after breaking out into clear terrain this won't be as much an issue.

In the south moving single units/no stacking/staying in travel mode, the 293rd Reg/18th VG Div with Engineer and Hetzer support are able to catch a US Artillery unit in the open and disrupt it. Also, the Hetzers while staying in travel mode are able to start to outflank the Artillery unit and block their access to the VP town. Unless the US has added forces moving down the road the Germans may be able to slip into Bejalf for the VPs.

In the north, the 294th Reg/18th VG Div is able to capture Roth - the first Bn assault caused damage but did not force a retreat, but then the 2nd Bn moved up and successfully assaulted the town and captured it.

The 295th Reg/18th VG Div initially moved one Bn into the trenches abandoned by the US last turn to determine how strong the US was. They found units of 2 regiments. Therefore the 2nd Bn also moved up to try to pin these units from escaping the forest to block the German north/south pincers. Finally the Stug armor unit moves in travel mode up north then hooks to try to get behind the US units withdrawing out of the Schnee Eifel. 

The question is are there more US units present moving forward? With that in mind, 2 more deception units are deployed near the major VP towns in an attempt to disrupt their movement.

Big picture:

In the US turn, the answer is provided.

In the north, a number of Bns slip out to try to block the road out of Roth, while 3 Bns stay in the forest protecting the center.

In the south, a US Bn succeeds in reaching Blejalf.

And the US destroys 2 of my Artillery pieces with counter-battery fire.

But the US HQ in the north looks exposed…


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