1985: Under an Iron Sky - Checkpoint Charlie Intro Scenario (partial playthru)

 In honor of the following message I received today from TRL Games:

re: 1985:Sacred Oil


At 19850628 0500 ZT Soviet troops crossed the USSR – Iran border

At 19850628 0611 ZT, CV-63 BG was attacked by SS-N-12 Sandbox vampires presumed launched by Soviet Echo II class Panther.

CJCS declared DEFCON 1 at 19850628 0732 ZT.

Below is a partial AAR of the Intro Scenario of the first game of the series 1985: Under an Iron Sky I posted on grogheads.com in 2018:

This is an AAR of the intro scenario Checkpoint Charlie from 1985: Under an Iron Sky - the hypothetical Next Next War occurring in the mid-'80s.

I am doing this AAR to illustrate the basic movement/combat systems - but also to check that I am doing it correctly.

The scenario itself is straightforward - the WP Player has to use the forces surrounding Berlin to remove the NATO presence from West Berlin - and do it in 1.5 turns. It is ground combat w/air support only - no reinforcements, replacements, WMD, Air Superiority. It does use the special scenario rules for pre-war tension and turn 0 movement.

Setup - I put the Air/Helo units on the board instead of the Airfield Chart for demo purposes.

T0/Tension means no ZoCs/Attacks and units can move 10MPs and Helo units can Ferry/Transport. The WP maneuvers to surround West Berlin and to set up for Turn 1 attacks. The NATO units change mode to Hedgehog in preparation for the coming assault. Maybe not the best way to defend…

Turn 1 and the war begins. Looking at the turn sequence the following phases are skipped for this scenario - Mobilization/Revolt/Weather/External Events/WMD/SSM/Air Superiority/Nuclear Strike. Then the WP Action Phase the following are skipped - Reinforcement/Replacement/Special Forces. It starts with WP Land Movement.

The Soviets start in the south with the US Brigade. First the 25th Tank Div with the 286G Artillery in support attack.
The Soviet Division chooses a Standard Assault costing 4 MPs. Both sides are in General Supply (not using Opt Embedded Supply Rules) so no changes.  No EW units are committed to this attack so no change. The US Brigade is in Hedgehog Mode so cannot choose Active Defense. No Airmobile Battalions are involved. Now it is time for Air and Artillery Support.

The 286Gd Artillery adds its offensive barrage strength to the attack at the cost of 1 Ammo Point. The combat odds are now 17 + 5 = 22 to US Bde 3 defense - 7:1. The Soviets also decide to commit x2 MI24 Hind Squadrons to the attack.  They come in the last hexes at NOE for 3 MP per hex and must undergo the Flak fire of the US Bde first. The average evasion of the Mi24 group is 6 which causes a +3 DRM to the US Flak roll - incorrect see next post. The US rolls a 7 which is adjusted to a 10 which gives a 0-1 result (step loss - damage). Helo's aren't damaged so the result is converted to a step loss for one of the Mi24 Squadrons. The US has no Artillery/Air/Helo support so final odds and modifiers are calculated.

Terrain City so +3 for the Defender

Cadre Ratings - untried and 4 for both sides so cancel out

Defender Hedgehog Mode so +2 for the Defender

Berlin Garrison/Festung Berlin so +1 for Defender

Mi-24's support 9 + 5 (reduced sqd) = +14 for the attacker. These Mi24 Hinds appear to be awesome - if I am doing it right - incorrect see next post.

So the end result is +6 for the Defender and +14 for the attacker giving a +8 advantage to the Attacker on the 7-1 column. Looking at the chart that gives an automatic D result - the defender retreats and/or losses a step. The US unit is in Hedgehog mode so it cannot retreat and must take the step loss. In addition, the Soviet is attacking with a full Division versus a brigade so that adds an additional step loss for a total of 2 step losses - 1 away from destruction for the US Bde. Since I rolled between 6 - 14 both sides units are now 'tested' with a Cadre rating of 5 signified by flipping the counters to their tested side.

So first - did I do the combat correctly? Like I said the Mi24's are awesome - luckily they can only be used once per action phase. Of course in a more dangerous AA environment and/or a location w/o Air Superiority this can be mitigated. Second, Hedgehog mode appears to be a mistake - the +2 modifier is not worth losing the ability to retreat and the losses incurred in this situation

OK I got feedback.

First the US Flak Fire - Flak does not attack Helo's as a group but instead each Helo sqd individually as it moves into range. All Flak units have a 1 hex range firing at Helo's at normal flight altitude while a Helo at Nape of Earth (NOE) has to be in the same hex as the Flak unit/0 hex range. So the Mi-24's come in from the south and drop to NOE right before entering the US Bde hex so that the Brit Bde cannot fire at them. Then 2 separate Flak attacks/rolls are done.

I will leave the first roll from above of 7 + 3 for evasion = 10 giving a 0 - 1 result that causes the first Helo squadron to take a loss. The 2nd Helo sqd Flak attack rolls a 5 + 3 for evasion = 8 giving the same 0 - 1 result so the second Hind sqd takes a step loss also.

Now my biggest mistake. First, the values on the Helo counter are Range - Evasion - Strike Value. For Ground Support the Helo (and Air) units add their strike value to the combat odds calculation NOT the combat modifier.

So calculating the combat again - the odds are 17 25th TD + 5 Artillery + 10 (total) from the now reduced Hind sqds giving a total of 32 compared to 3 Defense odds are 10:1. Then the combat modifiers are


City Terrain +3

Cadre Rating +4 (US before tested)

Hedgehog +2

Festung Berlin Rule +1

Total 10 for the Defender


Cadre Rating +4 (Soviet CAT I Div untested)

Combat Ratio greater than 7:1 - each one greater adds 1 - +3 for 10:1

Total 7 for the Attacker

No Concentric (multi hex attackers) allowed when defender in City hex so no ZOC.

So final combat modifier value is Def 10 - Att 7 = 3

A bit different and not a sure thing anymore - 7:1 3 Combat modifier on 1d20:

1-9 D - Defender retreat or Lose 1 step

10-14 C - Contact - no losses and attacker STOPS for phase

15-20 A1 - Attacker loses 1 step

Combat Modifiers are a major consideration/component of an attack.

And the Helos are not as 'awesome' anymore.

So a little less than 50/50 that the Soviet's attack is successful.

And the roll… 6.

As before Hedgehog, No Retreat so 1 step loss + 1 more for full Div attack versus single Bde.

And both units are now 'tried', Cadre value 5.

The reduced Mi-24 sqds retrace their steps and return to their base until the next phase.

There is still 1 Hind sqd available for this phase.

Not good for the US…

FYI I am attempting to cover the game mechanics in detail at this point to:
   1. Give a good demo of the game mechanics
   2. Force me to learn the game correctly

As the AAR moves forward the redundant rules detail will go away.

Identical follow-on attack from the 25th TD w/Artillery support for another 6MP - 12MP expended of 20 MP total.
The Soviets bring in the remaining Hind sqd using the same path and NOE over the target hex.
This time the US Flak roll is a 20 - miss - and the Hind remains at full strength.
The odds are 17 + 5 + 9 = 31 compared to 3 defense gives a 10:1 again.
The combat modifier calculations are almost the same - both Cadre values are 5 so they still cancel out again giving a 3 Modifier.
But this time the 2 casualties inflicted on the US Bde are a modifier against the defender so the final combat modifier is 1.

Another difference this time is the WP rolls a 18 - A1.
This means the Soviets lose 1 step - but since attacking a defender in a city hex this is increased to 2 steps.
Since the supporting Artillery unit is stacked with and supporting the 25th TD and it has taken losses - the Artillery unit must take 1 step loss.
And finally, even though the 25th TD has 8MP remaining - the A1 result ends its movement for the phase.
Looks like the US gave some back - and overall both sides have taken heavy losses.

So the US Bde is 1 step away from destruction, but the same is true for the 25th TD in its attack into West Berlin.
Not to mention a number of burning T-72s and Hind helos strewn across the city streets.

Now it's the 32nd Guards Tk Div turn to take a crack at the US Berlin Bde.
A Standard Assault for 4 MP is initially considered.
Supply is good, no WMD, no EW units present, no Active Defense.

The 387th Art Bde is stacked with the 32nd Guards and will support the attack. There are only air 4 assets left (Su17s and Mig23) but they will be saved to support later attacks.

Defender/NATO Combat Modifiers:
City Terrain +3
Cadre Rating +5 Tested
Hedgehog +2
Festung Berlin Rule +1
Total 11 for the Defender

Attacker/WP Combat Modifiers:
Cadre Rating +4 (Soviet CAT I Div untested)
Enemy Casualties +2
Combat Ratio 7:1 so 0 for this
Total 6 for the Attacker

Combat Modifier is 11 - 6 = 5
At 7:1 gives
1-7 D
8-12 C
13-20 A1

Not great odds. There are 2 ways the WP can try to increase the chance of success:
Commit some air units to get at most +3 Combat Modifier - but they will first be exposed to AA fire which could reduce that.
Or the 32nd Guard could choose Single Echelon Assault (all regiments attack/no reserves) instead of Standard Assault which would multiply its attack factor by 1.5. The problem is on any result that is not a D the unit loses an extra step. On a C that is a one-step loss, but on an A1 attack into a city that is a 2 step loss +1 step for Echelon Assault - unit destroyed.

The WP will just let it ride as is and the roll is… 5!
The WP wins the gamble - the US Berlin Bde is eliminated and the 32nd Guards must advance into the hex.
The normal cost for the move into a city hex is 2MP which is less than the 4MP for the Standard Assault so no additional MPs need to be expended - the 32nd Gd still has 16 MPs left.
Also, the result was between 4 and 16 so the 32 Gds is now tested and flipped to a 5 Cadre value.

Should the 32nd Gd keep going and attack the UK Berlin Bde?
Let's look at the anticipated combat modifiers:

Defender/NATO Combat Modifiers:
City Terrain +3
Cadre Rating +6 UK default/untested - the Brits are good
Hedgehog +2
Festung Berlin Rule +1
Total 12 for the Defender

Cadre +5

That gives a 7 combat modifier at 7:1 so only 1-5 for D1, and 11-20 for A1. Not good.

But the WP can choose to throw in the 3 available Su17M squadrons for Ground Support.
The 3 Su17M Squadrons form an Air Group and come screaming in over West Berlin.

The French and UK Bde's each get a shot at the Group as a whole.
First the French - average evasion for the Su17M's is 5 giving a +2 DRM.
The roll is an 8 + 2 = 10 on the Flak D column is no effect.
The UK roll is  10 + 2 = 12 on the Flak D column is again no effect.

The combined Strike Values of the Su17M's are added to the 32Gd Combat Factor.
Now the odds are 18 + 5 + 7 (combined Su17M) = 30 giving a 10:1 and an addtional +3 modifier.

The odds are 7:1 with a 4 Combat Modifier:
1-8 D1
9-13 C
14-20 A1

And the roll is… 20!
Stopped cold by the Brits with an A1.
Attacking into a city so 2 step loss and a 1 step loss for the supporting Artillery and end of movement for both units.

Both the 32nd Guards and the 25th Tk Divisions have experienced heavy losses and are out of the battle for now. The US Berlin Bde has been eliminated but exacted a toll on the 25th Tk. And the Brits stopped the 32nd Guards cold, but now it's the 90th Gds turn…

After taking a brief break and considering the situation, the Soviets will attack the weaker French Bde first with the 35th Mech Div and possibly roll up the Brits. But the first problem is the 35th Mech Division's current position is behind a Minor River hexside with respect to the French which would add a +2 combat modifier for the defender. So the 35th and supporting Artillery Bde move to 5006 to get clear of the River for the attack. The French Bde and UK Bde are both in city hexes so ZOCs do not extend into OR out of these hexes so the Mech Div is not required to attack both Bdes but instead will focus on the French. Also, both Bdes are in Hedgehog mode so even if in a non-city hex they would have no ZoC. I wonder if Hedgehog mode was a good idea.

It costs 1 MP to move into the hex using the road and bridge and then another 6MP for a standard attack against the French Berlin Bde. The Soviets are going to attack with just the Artillery in support - no air power.

First, the odds are 15 + 5 to 2 or 10:1. That is 3 greater than 7:1 giving the Soviets a +3 combat modifier. The rest of the combat modifiers are:

Defender/NATO Combat Modifiers:
City Terrain +3
Cadre Rating +4 untried
Hedgehog +2
Festung Berlin Rule +1
Total +10 for the Defender

Cadre +4
Greater than 7:1 +3
Total +7

So the final odds/modifier is 7:1 with a 3 combat modifier.
1-9 D1
10-14 C
15-20 A1

And the roll is… 4 - D1. Because it is a full Division versus a single Bde that increases the losses to 2 steps - and retreat is not an option because again the French are in hedgehog mode. All units are also now 'tried' with cadre ratings of 5.

The 25th Mech and Artillery perform a follow-on Standard attack for 6MP - total 13MP used so far.
7:1 and the modifiers are:

Defender/NATO Combat Modifiers:
City Terrain +3
Cadre Rating +5 tried
Hedgehog +2
Festung Berlin Rule +1
Total +11 for the Defender

Cadre +5
Greater than 7:1 +3
Defender casualty +2
Total +10

1-12 D1
13-17 C
18-20 A1

And the roll is… 19!
Attacking into a city so 2 step loss for the 25th and a 1 step loss for the supporting Artillery and end of movement for both units.

The French are tough also…

This is the end of the partial AAR. Hopefully, it begins to give a taste of the 1985 system. I plan on revisiting the series soon with the new release of 1985:Sacred Oil.


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