MDG NATO 1961 AAR Resume - Previously on NATO 61...

I am resuming a playthru I started a little over a year ago of Microgame Design Group's NATO 1961 game:

From the game's website:

"NATO 1961 is a simulation of the potential for war in Germany, covering events that could have led to World War Three. Players assume the roles of President John F. Kennedy and the NATO powers or Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev and the Warsaw Pact general staffs. Confronted with the crisis, players can manage the conflict at a limited level or escalate it to a full-out nuclear war between the Superpowers."

The game uses the escalation system that is used in MDG/Kerry Anderson's other games during the Cold War - Korea and Cuban Missile Crisis. The system adds 2 more developed phases/mechanics normally not explored in detail in other WW3 games. 

The first is an extensive pre-war period starting with the crisis in Berlin in early 1961. East German refugees were streaming into the west through West Berlin. This led to the construction of the Berlin Wall and then seemingly the end of the crisis. But history has revealed that it was a lot tenser than we thought  - similar to the later Cuban Missile Crisis. The game can even be won or lost in the pre-war period with National Will and World Opinion being big factors.

The second mechanic is reasonably detailed and playable tactical and strategic nuclear war escalation levels.  The war is not meant to be played only at a conventional level and nuclear war is ultimately stimulated by declaring everyone losers. There are rules around National Will and VPs that can evaluate which side 'wins' armageddon. Although in real life let's be honest the 'winner' will probably not have much to gloat over.

Below are the 2 YouTube Videos I did for the pre-war period leading up to the Soviet/WP attack. I explain the mechanics of the pre-war period and work each side through a number of escalations leading to the Soviet/WP attack. What is different in this play thru is because of a roll on the World Opinion table, the war accidentally/immediately escalates to Tactical Nuclear warfare. The Soviets had planned for this based on historical records - now to see what it would have looked like in 1961. My next video will be the play thru of the initial Soviet/WP attack with Tactical Nucs in play right from the start.

In the meantime here are the play thru videoes leading up to this:

NATO 1961 Part 1 Prewar Play thru review

NATO 1961 Part 2 Prewar Play to WW3 breakout

Here is a picture of the board at the start of the attack after both sides have started mobilization and major maneuvers and starting to move forces to the front during the pre-war period:




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