
Showing posts from September, 2022

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep9 - Planet Survey/The Mystery continues...

Finally back to our intrepid crew of the IISS Intrepid... On YouTube: Carol maneuvered the Intrepid into orbit while maintaining distance from the "Cube." "Any reaction from the artifact," she asked. "The artifact's speed and course are unchanged," Bob replied. "All right, Bob and Carol commence the planetary survey. Sonny and I will keep an eye on the artifact. Be prepared for an emergency deorbit." Hopefully, the survey will give additional information on the purpose of the artifact, Carol thought. The survey from orbit took approximately 6 hours, finishing at 2000 hours. Carol wanted it finished as soon as possible, so they continued into the designated rest time. The crew understood the urgency. Unfortunately, nothing from the survey revealed any information about the artifact. Bob projected his results on the display and gave a detailed review of the results. In the end, he summarized, "Br

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep8 - Strange New World... and Object.

"Refueling complete, all tanks full, all refueling equipment secured" Sonny reported. "Very well, proceeding to the High Guard position, prepare to retrieve the drone," Carol said. After the ship was close to the Drone Bob said "retrieval initiated." After a few minutes, he added, "retrieval complete, all systems secured for transit." Carol answered, " Very well, course confirmed for Kotori Prime, breaking orbit." The first few days of the transit were uneventful. The crew finished their equipment checks in preparation for the upcoming Planetary survey. In their remaining time, they continued work on the backlog items (inoperable drone, wrong software version) while also manning the sensors in shifts. Carol even carved out a few hours one night for the crew to enjoy a recent holo-movie together. The crew seems to be slowly coming together she thought, even Sonny seemed to be more like his old self again. One day out from Kotori Prime, t

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep7 - Watch the bouncing Intrepid

After the planning meeting, Carol set a course for the nearest Gas Giant to Kotori Prime at 2G. Bob and Mary went to work on the inoperable drones while Sonny started system checks in preparation for refueling at the Gas Giant. They worked for a few hours then Carol told them all to get some rest - she would cover the first shift monitoring the sensors. The following shifts were uneventful - no contacts, either ship or stellar objects. Also, no transmissions were detected from nearby or the system. Towards the end of the next day, Carol received 2 reports… First Bob and Mary reported on the drones. They were able to fix 2 of the drones by cannibalizing parts from 3 drones which were now permanently inoperable. So now there were a total of 3 operable drones - although she was still suspicious of the 2 repaired ones. "We'll test out one of the repaired drones as high guard during our refueling," she said. "Understood," Bob replied and he continued, "we will r

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep6 - Initial Survey Complete/Plan planet survey

YouTube Link: During the week in transiting jump space, Carol kept the crew busy checking everything - ship systems, survey systems, survey gear, and planning. No one complained based on the mishaps that had already occurred. And as she expected, there was a problem. Mary was reviewing the survey drones with Bob's assistance. During the checks, they found a problem with 9 out of the 10 survey drones that were onboard. Mary explained, "While we were at the base, maintenance came aboard and said they had some upgrades for the drones, both software, and chips. They were able to get through 9 of the drones but kept getting pulled off the work by other base priorities. Also, I got the impression the 2 techs were rather junior based on some questions I asked them. In their hurry, they did the upgrades first and then were going to circle back and test them after they were all done. They never got that far. Bob and I are troubleshooting and hope to have a