
Showing posts from March, 2022

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras 4 PM French/Coalition Phases

Ney decides to go ahead with a full assault on Quatre Bras with the bulk of his forces - except a horse artillery unit that moves into the woods to occupy the flanking British Infantry. WIll Ney succeed or should he have moved around the flanks instead? Success! And Wellington retreats to the north. While Wellington was unceremoniously booted out of Quatre Bras, he has a constant stream of reinforcements coming the rest of the day and Ney does not. So he maintains his goal is to stay close and as more forces enter start looking for opportunities to flank the French and counter-attack when possible. Ney seems to be on the defensive now?

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras 3 PM French/Coalition Phases

Kellerman wakes up and brings up the rest of his cavalry corps, and Reille's Corps surrounds and storms the Chateau... successfully! Wellington concentrates at Quatre Bras with Picton, while the flanks are weakly screened. Just buying time for the reinforcements to arrive...

NATO 1961 Catchup to the End

The last entry was Warsaw Pack M+2 and things were looking very bleak for NATO. West Berlin had fallen, The Soviets had overrun Northern Germany after paving the way with Tac Nucs. Hamburg was surrounded and isolated. The Soviets had plenty of Tactical Nuclear delivery units/HQs, while the US/UK had been decimated. So NATO had 3 choices: 1. Continue the fight with its inevitable end in sight. 2. Offer a Cease Fire, which the Soviets would probably ignore, and end up surrendering. 3. Escalate the conflict to setup the US's remaining strong point - over 1300 bombers... So the US decided to do a counterforce strike to take out the Soviet strategic Nuclear assets - a handful of ICBMs and bombers - the Golf SSB's were untouchable (!?). Unfortunately due to the size of the US Counter Force strike the collateral damage caused enough civilian casualties, as well as taking out the Soviet command control systems, to cause the collapse of the Soviet Union. But

NATO 1961 M+2 WP Phase

 The WP assault continues, although less tactical nucs were used and all airpower saved to defend against NATO airpower.

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras Coalition Phase

Coalition Phase of Turn 1. Reinforcements moving up, will they be in time? A good bombardment result against the advancing French infantry.

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras French Combat turn 1

 Posted the turn 1 French Combat phase. The French were relatively successfully capturing a Corps Commander,  eliminating one Coalition unit, and pushing another back. Was able to illustrate a number of rules in my quest to learn the system. As I learn/understand the rules better the turns should go faster. Here is the link to the video: Here is the situation at the end of the French player phase:

MDG NATO 1961 AAR - M+2 Situation Discussion

 In preparation for M+2/next turn following the WP Attack, I discuss a number of topics: 1. End game triggers 2. Victory Point Calculations 3. Short term strategy 4. Long term/escalation strategy Here is the link to the video: Here is a picture showing the start of the siege of Hamburg:

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - the journey begins...

OSG's Library of Napoleonic Battles - it's time to learn the system. I picked up a few intro games (single battles) over the past few years but never played any of them. A few months ago I was looking at/reminiscing over the old SPI Napoleon's Last Battles. I reviewed the Decision Games remakes - I had actually made a VASSAL module for them of the 2nd Edition a year ago. This lead me to OSG and Kevin Zucker and I decided if I was going to get into the series I should start with the 'latest'. This was about the end of last year and OSG was having a sale and I picked up Napoleon's Last Gamble (NLG - Waterloo Battles) and Napoleon against Russia (NaR). This should be enough battles combined with my 2 intro battles to keep me busy. I also had invested in a number of computer Napoleonic Battles from JTS/WDS which I may start playing in parallel - although these are at a more tactical level.  https://wargam

MDG NATO 1961 AAR - NATO Response

Finally back to post the NATO response to Warsaw Pact Tactical Nuclear attack. While NATO forces were decimated in the initial WP attack, they were able to blunt most of the WP spearheads with their Tactical Nuclear response. This is an entirely different type of warfare than the typical conventional battle. Instead of massing forces and attempting to defeat the enemy in ground combat - now it is getting in range and decimating the enemy w/nuclear weapons. Initially, the priority target is the enemy's tactical nuclear delivery means, but as seen in this turn it starts shifting to attempting to break the will of the enemy through civilian casualties. From there it is a small step to escalating to all out nuclear warfare. Here are the YouTube links for the NATO phase: Part 1: Part 2: Here is the map at the end of the turn. The front lines are thin on units with the tactical nuclear exchange. At the beginning of the next turn b