
Showing posts from January, 2023

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep12 - First Contact Resolved

Note: Sorry for the long pause - finally got around to writing up the narrative for the last session on my YouTube channel. Still reviewing some Solo resources just released and determining how to integrate them. Then I will get back to the campaign. Bob reported that the compartment appeared to be filling quickly with an atmosphere. Carol said, "keep breathing apparatus on - let's get an analysis of the atmosphere." As the Aliens got closer, Bob reported the atmosphere had stabilized and did have Oxygen, but also other exotic elements that would prevent safely breathing it. Since the Aliens appeared to have no breathing gear Carol thought this was probably their native atmosphere. As the Aliens got closer, both appeared to have a small arm attached to a utility belt - but neither was making motions to draw their weapons. Once they were within 5 ft they stopped and produced a box-like device and then started talking. The device repeated their