
Showing posts from October, 2022

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep11 - Into 'The Cube'

Image The Intrepid was holding position a few meters from the opening on the cube. Bob moved the drone further away from the cube to be able to monitor the entire Cube. So far there was no reaction from the cube after the initial widening of the access port with the approach of the Intrepid. Bob reported "still no changes in the Cube after our stop. Based on the size of the portal we could either enter via EVA or attach a docking tunnel." The Cube so far had exhibited no offensive or even defensive reaction to the approach of the drone or the ship Carol thought. Actually, it had done just the opposite and provided access to the interior. She made her decision. "We will be entering the Cube via EVA Suits. Sonny, you will stay behind and keep an eye on the ship and Cube while we stay in constant comms. Any comments or questions?" "Should we be armed?", Bob asked. "Yes, side arms not rifles. Also full load of survey equipment. And

Traveller Scout Campaign Ep10 - Approaching 'The Cube'...

YouTube Link: Carol woke up with the 0600 GST Ship Announcement. I didn't expect to get a full rest period, but apparently the Cube respected our rest shift, she thought dryly. She opened comms to the bridge and said "Sitrep?" Sonny replied succinctly, "No change in artifact or ship status, all systems nominal." "Very well, on my way," she replied. She was first on the Bridge, quickly followed by Bob and Mary. "The Cube has continued its course and speed unchanged  since our entry into orbit earlier. Even though it appears unchanged, I believe it is aware of our presence based on minor fluctuations in the gravimetric waves from it", Sonny added to his earlier report. "Did the changes seem hostile?," the Captain asked. "No, more akin to a low power scan at most," he replied. "All right, then it is decision time for us. I see 3 basic options, proceed with the dirtside survey,