
Showing posts from April, 2022

MDG MacArthur's War - KPA Surprise Attack - x3

 Learning the rules - so had to do the initial KPA attack 3 times to get it right. Version 1 - traditional move/combat: Version 2 - include overruns: Version 3 - overruns and contested ZOCs:

MDG MacArthur's War - Rules Overview

 This is the start of a series on Microgame Design Group's MacArthur's War: "a simulation of the Korean War, simulating the historical campaign as well as allowing for what could have happened if MacArthur had been given the go-ahead to launch attacks against Communist China." This video provides an introduction to the game as well as an overview of the rules.

OSG Library of Napoleonic Battles - Quatre Bras 5 PM French/Coalition Phases

Ney tries to push the Coalition back on the right flank in order to get a buffer between the lines and Quatre Bras. The French also try to push the Coalition forces out of the woods on the left flank to remove the threat to their lines of communication. The Coalition then attempts to surround and attack the French 6th Division on the edge of the woods outside Quatre Bras. If successful this would decimate the French and put the Coalition in a strong position to retake Quatre Bras. Unfortunately for Wellington, the attack is repulsed...